No. 211. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Dorchester
peake Railroad Company..... ........................................
No. 212. An act to extend and grant additional powers and franchises to
the Workingmen's Permanent Building and Loan Association of Tal-
bot county, so as to enable it to insure the fidelity of persons holding
places of trust or responsibility of any State, corporation, company,
person or persons whatsoever..... ....................................
No. 213. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Caroline and
Talbot counties to build and establish a free bridge over the Great
Choptank River, at or near Gilpin's Point in Caroline county, and to
provide for free travel between Caroline and Talbot counties...........
No. 214. An act to prohibit the sale of spirituous or intoxicating liquors
. within a radius of two miles of Camp Springs Post Office, Prince
George's county, Maryland..... .....................................
No. 215. An act to repeal section 7 of the acts of 1870, chapter 387,
entitled 'an act to incorporate the Washington, Colesville and Ashton
Turnpike Company, and re-enact the same with amendments.".........
No. 216. An act to incorporate the Trustees of the Annual Conference
of the Maryland District of the African Union First Colored Metho-
dist Protestant Church...............................................
No. 217. An act to authorize the County Commissioners of Baltimore
county to grant to the Baltimore Traction Company, and its connec-
tions, the right to construct and operate railways on the public high-
ways of said county ..................................................
No. 218. An act to provide for a general Index to the Wills recorded in
the office of the Register of Wills for Prince George's county, Maryland.
No. 219. An act to repeal section 8 of Article 7 of the Code of Public
Local Laws, title "Carroll County," sub-title "Birds and Game," as re-
pealed and re-enacted with amendments by the Act of the General
Assembly of Maryland, passed at the January session, 1894, Chapter 234
and to re-enact the same with amendments . .........................
Ho. 220. An act to amend Article one of the Code of Local Laws of Mary-
land, entitled "Allegany County," sub-title "Cumberland," and to add
additional sections thereto, to be known as 78 G and 78 H ...... ......
No. 221. An act to amend the charter of the Farmers' Market Company
of Baltimore City................................. ....................
No. 233. An act to prohibit the granting of license for the sale of spirit-
uous or fermented liquors or lager beer at Jacksonville, Baltimore county
or ajt any place within said Baltimore county, within one mile and a
half of Jacksonville ...................................................
No. 233. An act to add a new section to Article 3 of the Code of Public
Local Laws of Maryland, title "Baltimore County," sub-title "Nuisances,"
to be known as section 170 A..... .......... .........................
No. 224. An act to repeal sub-section 2 of chapter 600 of the acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland, as passed al the January session, 1890
and to re-enact the same with amendments ...........................
No. 225. An act to repeal section seventy-seven of article seven of the
Code of Public Local Laws of the State of Maryland, title "Carrol
ments......................................... .......................
No. 226, An act to provide for the erection of a school house for colored
children in the First Election. District of Cecil county, Maryland.
. 420