year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and thereupon enter
upon the performance of their respective duties; and the
assessors appointed under this act for the several assessment
districts in the city of Baltimore, shall assemble at the city
hall in said city, on the first Tuesday in June, in the year
eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and thereupon enter upon
the performance of their respective duties; and the assessors
so assembled in the respective localities as aforesaid, shall
primarily proceed to consider their respective duties under this
act, and the instructions of the State Tax Commissioner, and
the forms prepared for their use, to the end that their respec-
tive duties may be uniformly discharged and performed. The
assessors at large and the district assessors of each assessment
district in the several counties, shall thereafter assemble at the
place in such counties at which the Circuit Court for such
county is usually held, on the said first Tuesday in June, in
the year eighteen hundred and ninety-six, and proceed to the
performance of their duties under this act for said counties.
In assessing the property in each election district of such coun-
ties, the said assessors at large shall call to their assistance and
act jointly with the assessor appointed for such election dis-
trict, but nothing herein shall be so construed as to permit any
election district assessor to assess or join in assessing any prop-
erty outside of the district for which he may be appointed as
aforesaid, and any district assessor shall only be paid for the
time he may be engaged in assessing the property in the dis-
trict for which he shall be appointed.
Schedules to
be sent to
owners of
173. It shall be the duty of the said assessors, appointed
under the provisions of this act, immediately upon entering
upon the performance of their duties, to deliver or cause to be
delivered as far as practicable, or to send by mail to each .and
every person in their assessment districts, who shall own any
real or personal property, subject to taxation under the laws of
this State, the forms of schedules and interrogatories for real
and personal property, provided in section 171 of this act,
together with the notice to said person or persons, requiring
him or her to have filled out and ready to file with said assessor
within twenty days after the date of the receipt, or the mail-
ing of said schedules and interrogatories, a complete return
upon said schedule of all the real and persoual property owned
How sched-
ules to be
filled out.
by said person or persons, and subject to taxation under the
provisions of this act. Every taxable person making such
.schedule, shall specify as far as may be practicable, the name
or names of the tracts or parcels of land so described, and the