Maryland Historical Trust; James A. McAllister, Dorchester County
Historian and Editor of Abstracts of Dorchester County Land Records.
Also L. C. MdDaniel, Governor's Operating Economy Commis-
sion; James J. McGinty, Board of Public Works; Jane McWilliams,
Researcher, Historic Annapolis, Inc.; Louise Magruder, Professional
Genealogist, Annapolis; Bayly Marks, Maryland Historical Society;
The Rev. T. D. Masterson, Georgetown University; William B. Marye,
Baltimore County Historian; Miss Remedis Oleta, Bureau of Records
Management of the Philippines; Ann D. Parish, Keeper of the Mary-
land Register, Maryland Historical Trust; Casimir Przybyl, Legislative
Budget Analyst; Jay E. Toole, Governor's Operating Economy Survey;
Professor W. H. Ridgway, University of Pennsylvania; R. Lee Van
Horn, Prince George's County Historian; St. Clair Wright, Chairman,
Preservation Committee, Historic Annapolis, Inc.
Morris L. Radoff, Thirty-third Annual Report of the Archivist of the
Hall of Records for Fiscal Year July 1,1967 Through June 30, 1968.
———————, "The Beginnings of State Taxation of Real and Personal
Property: An Introduction to the Facsimile Printing of the Mary-
land Tax List of 1783." To be published by the Maryland Histori-
cal Society in cooperation with Microsurance, Inc. of Philadelphia,
Rex Beach, "The Tennessee County Records Manual," The American
Archivist, January, 1969. Review.
Frank F. White, "A Selected List of State Documents," Quarterly in
Maryland Libraries.
The work of the Repair Room was satisfactory this year; there
were 23,251 pages (or pieces) deacidified and laminated, and 57
volumes bound. There were many other tasks such as the repair of
bindings on printed books, the treatment of leather on old bindings,
examining in toto the former Land Office records and setting priorities
for their repair, showing the work to visitors, all of whom are inter-
ested in the repair and preservation of documents, etc.
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