There were no changes of personnel in the professional staff, but
there was a name change, from Susan N. Gump to Susan Nettles,
Archivist II in Program 2.
The Archivist continued as a member of the Maryland Historical
Trust and the St. Mary's City Commission by appointments of the
Governor. He also acted as a member of the Maryland Historical
Society Publications Committee in order to help get the publication
of the Maryland Archives under way again after a lapse of five or six
years. He also concluded his work with the Maryland Educational-
Cultural Broadcasting Commission as a member of the Historical
Advisory Committee. He was appointed a member of the Guber-
natorial Commission to Study the Need for the Establishment of an
Archive of Maryland Folklife. However, there were inevitable con-
flicts in the meeting days of this Commission with other activities of
the Archivist, therefore he resigned in mid-year and recommended the
appointment of Gust Skordas in his place. Finally he accepted appoint-
ment as a member of the Advisory Committee to the Maryland Com-
mission on Negro History and Culture. The appropriation of $5,000
which had been granted to Historic Annapolis, Inc. from the Gover-
nor's educational fund, was put in the budget of the Hall of Records,
and Professor Aubrey Land, formerly of the University of Maryland
and now of the University of Georgia, asked the Archivist to take
over direction of the project as well as to have meetings of the Com-
mittee to choose fellows.
The Archivist has also assumed partial responsibility for a project
subsidized by the State of Maryland and the National Endowment of
the Humanities called "The Community and the Congress in Annap-
olis, 1783-1786." Professor Jack Greene of the Johns Hopkins Uni-
versity is the Principal Investigator of this project but the Archivist
is responsible for the expenditure of funds.
The Archivist attended the annual meeting of the American
Association of State and Local History held in Washington, D. C. on
September 25 and 26, the meeting of the Society of American Archiv-