accepted the invitation of the Maryland Hall of Records Commission to
meet in Annapolis in 1951. Annapolis is the only place at which two meet-
ings of this Society have been held. At this writing plans are well advanced
for the two-day session scheduled for October 15-16. The Archivist is
chairman of the Local Arrangements Committee, and he is being assisted
by members of the Commission and the Staff as well as by members of
the staffs of the United States Naval Academy and the Maryland Historical
Society. Mr. Skordas served as a member of the Committee on Microfilm
of the same group, and Mr. Thomas served as a member of the editorial
board of the American Archivist until he relinquished that position on
becoming Secretary of the Society in October, 1950.
It was our privilege again this year to take part in the courses in
Archival Administration and Genealogy offered by the American Univer-
sity in cooperation with the National Archives, the Library of Congress
and the Maryland Hall of Records. The archives class spent three days
at Annapolis: June 14 (Calendaring), June 20 (Indexing and Photographic
Equipment), and June 27 (Repair and Preservation).. The genealogy class
spent the day of June 25. The roster of students contained individuals from
Canada, France and Pakistan as well as from all parts of this country, and
it is gratifying to report that the quality of the class was high. It is a
hopeful sign for the future of record-keeping that so many young and
gifted scholars are taking advantage of this opportunity to receive special
training for what has been until recently an unknown and unrecognized
profession. The class rolls follow:
Charles Baretski, Senior Lending and Reference Librarian, Public Library, Newark,
New Jersey.
Mrs. Mary G. Cary, Cataloguer, Peace Collection, Swarthmore College, Swarthmore,
Dr. Lionel T. Croteau, Associate Archivist, Public Archives of Canada, Ottawa.
LeVern Wm. Cutler, Director, Graduate School of Business Library, Stanford
University, Stanford, California.
LeRoy B. DePuy, Junior Archivist, Division of Public Records, Pennsylvania
Historical Commission, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
Elizabeth G. Ferguson, Reference Librarian, Georgia State College for Women, Mil'
ledgeville, Georgia.