occurred. As things turned out, it was well along in the new
fiscal year before the books were actually delivered. In the case
of Publication No. 4, Land Office and Prerogative Court Records
of Colonial Maryland several reviews have already appeared in
historical and archival journals, and it is gratifying to note that
they have been unanimously favorable.
The annual report of the Archivist was printed as usual,
and, in addition, we prepared a report covering the first four
years of the Hall of Records as well as the period leading up to
the establishment of the Hall of Records Commission and the
erection of the building. This volume also contains all the Acts
of Assembly and Opinions of the Attorney General which relate
to the Hall of Records. It contains a bibliography of materials
concerning the Hall of Records in particular and Maryland
Archives in general, and it supplies many details about equip-
ment, staff, and costs not previously available to the public.
You will find here below an itemized list of all the Aids to
Research added during the year. Unless otherwise noted the
dates given are for the full record at the Hall of Records except
the photostat volumes which go beyond the terminal dates for
the county deeds which have been transferred to our custody.
Eleventh Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of
Records for the Fiscal Year July 1, 1945 through June 30, 1946.
The annual reports are listed among the Aids to Research be-
cause they contain accessions for the year. They are printed for
free distribution to governmental offices and to archival and his-
torical agencies. A few copies from the fifth to the eleventh are
still available with the exception of the ninth, which is exhausted.
First to Fourth Annual Reports of the Archivist of the Hall
of Records, for the Fiscal Years October 1, 1935 through Sep-
tember 30, 1939. Of the first four annual reports three were pre-
pared by Dr. James A. Robertson before his death March 20,
1939. An account of the work for this interesting period in the