Provincial Court Judgments. Cards filed and available to the pub-
lic now cover the period through 1712, four years having been added
during the year. Checking, typing and filing did not keep pace with
completion of first cards which advanced from 1719 to 1733. This
work will continue.
Prince George's County Index to Deeds. Because the old general
index which the Hall of Records received from the Prince George's
County courthouse had been prepared for the most part to serve
original record volumes which had been copied and then discarded, it
was found necessary to revise this index so that it might be used for
references to the copies which were transferred to the Hall of Records.
In the case of one volume it was found impractical to use the old
index at all and a new one had to be prepared.
In addition to the items listed above which are now available either
in whole or in part to the public, the following projects are now in
Ninth Annual Report of the Archivist of the Hall of Records,
State of Maryland, for the fiscal year July 1, 1943 to June 30, 1944.
Now ready for distribution.
Prince George's County Court Proceedings, 1696-1699, Liber A,
This volume will be published during the course of the year.
Bank Stock Papers at the Hall of Records. This volume will con-
tain a list of the famous bank stock controversy papers from the two
collections at the Hall of Records: The "Blue Books" of the Rainbow
Series and the collection found in the office of the Secretary of State
two years ago. The volume will also contain an historical account of
the controversy.
Typed and Handwritten
General Court Index to Court Proceedings, This project, which
was barely begun several years ago and abandoned when the member
of the staff to whom it had been assigned resigned, has been taken up
again. This will be a name index referring to all judicial business
coming before the General Court, the central court of the State from
1777 to 1805, No index to this series is now available.