United States, for high Crimes & Misdemeanors, supposed
to have been by him committed; with the necessary Docu-
ments and official Papers, from his Impeachment to final
Acquittal. Taken in short hand, by Charles Evans, and
the Arguments of Counsel revised by them from his Manu-
script. [filet] Baltimore: Printed for Samuel Butler
and George Keatinge. 1805.
3 leaves, 12, 3-268 [i.e. 3l6] 68 p. 25.5 cm.
Issued in parts, with insertions resulting in con-
fused signatures.
Title page of appendix reads: Appendix. [thick-thin
rule] Impeachment of The Hon. Samuel Chase, [10 lines]
[filet] Baltimore: Printed for Samuel Butler and George
Keatinge. [short thick-thin rule] 1805.
Sabin 12204.
CSt; CtY; DLC; Ia; KyLoF; M; MBrigStJ; MH-L; MHi;
MSaEC; MWA; McLBB; MdBE; HdBP; MdHl; MdToH; MnHi; MnU-L;
MoSW; MoU; MtHi; NbO; NcD; NcU; NcWfC; NJR; OCHP; OrSC;
PPL-R; PP1A1; PU-L; ViU; Wy.
————— Also bound with appendix printed "for Keatinge's
Book Store."
———— Another issue.
3 leaves, 12, 3-268 [i.e. 312], 68 p. 25.5 cm.
Sig. 2H*2.3 omitted; appendix printed "for Samuel
Butler and George Keatinge."
DLC; N. [340]
A Choice Collection of Admired Songs, selected from
the most approved Operas, interspersed with Comic Songs,
&c. as sung at the Baltimore Theatre, to which are add-
ed, Toasts & Sentiments. [double rule] Baltimore:
Printed by G. Dobbin & Murphy, Market-street, within one
door of the bridge. [filet] 1805.
60 p. 16 cm. A-F6.
Without music.
NN; RPB. ,.3413
Cole, John, 17?4-l855.
The Beauties of Psalmody. Containing a selection of
Sacred Music, in three and four Parts: adapted to Dr.
Dwight's Psalms and Hymns, and the Psalms and Hymns of
the Episcopal Prayer-book. [short thick-thin rulej
By John Cole. [thick-thin rule] [4 lines, quotatlonj
[thin-thick rule] Second Edition, enlarged. [filet]