Colman, George.
John Bull; or, An Englishman's Fire-Side. A new and
celebrated Comedy, in five Acts. [filet] By George
Coleman, the Younger, Author of "The Poor Gentleman,"—-
"Broad Grins," &c. [thick-thin rule] Baltimore: Print-
ed by John W. Butler, for Andrew Price. [short thick-
thin rule] 1803.
84 p. 17 cm. A-G6.
MWA; MdHi; N; NN; PP; PPL-R; PU; PWcT; RPB. [175]
Colman, George.
[The Poor Gentleman. Baltimore? Warner & Hann? 1803]
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Gazette. June 9,
1803, as "Just Published, And for sale at Warner & Han-
na1 s Bookstore."
The play is the first in vol. 3 of Warner & Hanna's
Select plays (item 221); the advertisement may refer to
that volume, but more probably to a separate issue.
No copy known. [176]
[The Counting House Calendar for 1804. Baltimore,
Warner & Hanna, l803]
Advertised in the Baltimore Telegraphe. Nov. 3, 1803,
as "For Sale ... also."
No copy known. [177]
Crawford, John.
Worshipful Sir and Brother, Permit me to intreat you
may submit the following observations to your Lodge.—
They are suggested by an earnest desire to promote the
best interests of our excellent institution, which aims
at the improvement of the head and of the heart of all
who are connected with it. [at end] Baltimore, 22d No-
vember, l803. [Baltimore, 1803]
[2] p. 25 cm. Without imprint.
Signed in manuscript: John Crawford, G. M.
MdBFM. [178]
[Defoe, Daniel]
The wonderful Life and surprizing Adventures of Rob-
inson Crusoe; containing A full and particular Account
how he lived 28 Years in an uninhabited Island on the
Coast of South America; how his Ship was lost in a Storm
and all his Companions drowned; and how he was cast upon
the Shore, and miraculously preserved, &c. [rule]