Sabin 58225.
CSmH; DLC (2 copies); MH; MHi; MdBP; MdHi (2 copies);
PU. [134]
Poems of established Reputation, collected for the
Use of Classes in the Baltimore Academy. [thick-thin
rule] Baltimore: Printed and Sold by Warner & Hanna.
[short rule] 1802.
288 p. 16 cm. A-2A6.
Identical with following item except for t.p.
MWA. [134A]
Poems of established Reputation, to wit: 1st. The
Art of preserving Health, by J. Armstrong, M.D. 2d. The
Minstrel, or Progress of Genius, by James Beattie, LL.D.
3d. The Pleasures of Imagination, by Dr. Akenslde. 4th.
The Task, by Wm. Cowper, Esq. [thick-thin rule] Balti-
more: Printed and Sold by Warner & Hanna. [short rule3
288 p. 16 cm. A-2A .
DeWI; ICU; MWA; MdBE; MdHi; MoInRC; RPB. [135a
Private Devotions, preparatory to the Sacrament, or
any Days of Humiliation. [filet] Baltimore: Printed by
T. & G, Dobbin. [short rule] 1802.
20 p. 12 cm. [a]12{l.l2 blank).
MWA. [136]
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. A. Maryland
Constitution and Canons of the Protestant Episcopal
Church, In Maryland: [short rule] Published by Order
of the Convention. [short rule] Easton; Printed by
James Cowan. 1802,
17 p. 17 cm. [a]4 [b]4 [c.,2(-c2).
DLC; MdBP; Md Hi. [l37;j
Protestant Episcopal Church in the U. S. A. Maryland
Journal of a Convention of the Protestant Episcopal
Church, in Maryland, held in Easton, in Whitsun Week,
1802. [filet] Easton; Printed by James Cowan, 1802.
8 p. 17 cm. Single gathering.
DLC; MdBS; MdBP; MdHi; NN. [158]