phy, Printers. trow of dots] 1810.
480 p. 16.5 cm. A-2P6 (includes slg. V, W).
Parsons 378.
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Republican, Apr.
7, l8lO, as "Just published ... Dornln has printed the
above ... in Latin and French."
DGU; InNd; MWA; MdBP; MdBS; MdMwM; MdW; MoKRH;
MoStjSHC. [829]
Catholic Church. Pope (Pius VII)
Instructions on the Erection of four new Catholic
Episcopal Sees In the United States, and the Consecra-
tion of their First Bishops, celebrated in Baltimore on
the 23th October, 1st and 4th November. In which the
signification of the various ceremonies used in that sa-
cred rite is fully explained and developed, and the
principal Formulae and Prayers transcribed in English
for the convenience of the Laity. [short thick-thin
rule ] Baltimore: Printed for Bernard Dornln, and sold
at his Roman Catholic Library, 30, Baltimore-Street.
[row of dots] G. Dobbin and Murphy—-Print. [row of
dots-, 1810.
43 p. 18 cm. A-C6 D4.
Sabin 34863. Parsons 366.
French and English in parallel columns.
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Republican, Oct.
25, 1810, as "... will be ready for delivery ... 26th
DQU (4 copies); DLC; MBAt; MdHi (2 copies). c85°3
Chambaud, Louis.
Fables choisies,a l'usage des Enfans, et des autres
personnes qui commencent a apprendre La Langue Fran-
coise, Avec un Index alphabetique de tous les mots tra-
duits en Anglois. [row of dots] Par L. Chambaud. [row
of dots] [thick-thin rule] Baltimore: Printed by Warner
& Hanna. At the Bible and Heart Office. 1810.
165, [3] p. 16 cm. A-C6.
Advertised in the Baltimore Federal Republican, Sept.
24, 1810, as win the press, and will be finished In a
few days."
LU; MH; MWA; MWat; MdBE; MdBP; MdHi; PPM. [831]
Coker, Daniel.
A Dialogue between a Virginian and an African Minis-
ter, written by the Rev. Daniel Coker, A descendant of