Freemasons. Maryland. Grand Lodge.
Extract of Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Free and
Accepted Masons, of the State of Maryland, At their
yearly communication, held in the City of Baltimore, on
the 13th Day of May A.D. 1805 — A.L. 5805. [Baltimore,
[4] p. 24 cm. Without imprint.
Caption title.
MBPM; MdBFM; NNFM. [353]
Freemasons. Maryland. Grand Lodge.
Extract of Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Free and
Accepted Masons, of the State of Maryland, At their
semi-annual communication, begun and held in the City of
Baltimore, by adjournment, on the 11th day of November,
A.D. 1805——A.L. 5805. [Baltimore, l805]
[4] p. 26 cm. Without imprint.
Caption title.
MdBFH. [354]
Friends, Society of. Baltimore Yearly Meeting. Commit-
tee for Indian Affairs.
A brief Account of the Proceedings of the Committee,
appointed by the Yearly Meeting of Friends, held in Bal-
timore, for promoting the Improvement and Civilization
of the Indian Natives. [thick-thin rule] Baltimore...
Printed by Cole & Hewes. N. Charles-street...1805.
48 p. 21 cm. [A]4 B-F4.
Relates to Indians living northwest of the Ohio River,
Sabin 65919.
The Committee on Indian Concerns "were also left at
liberty to have printed ... as many copies of their re-
port ... as they apprehend may be usefully distributed."
—Minutes of the Balt. Yearly Meeting, Oct. 14-18, 1805.
CSraH; CSt; DLC (2 copies); InHi; MB; MH; MWA; MdBE;
MdBJ; MdHi; MiD-B; OClWHi; P; PHC; PHI; WHi. [354A]
Friends, Society of. London Yearly Meeting.
The Epistle from the Yearly Meeting, held In London,
By Adjournments, from the 22d. to the 31st. of the Fifth
Month, 1805, inclusive. To the Quarterly and Monthly
Meetings of Friends, in Great Britain, Ireland, and
elsewhere. [imprint on outside fold] [rule] Printed by
Cole & Hewes....Charles-St. Baltimore. [rule] [l805]
4 p. 34 x 21 cm. fold, to 21 x 8.5 cm.
Caption title.