theatre there. It was printed in full, with
favorable comment, in the Baltimore Telegraphe
[issue of October 31, 1795] and was reprinted in
the author's Miscellaneous poems." - Vail, p. 70.
Evans 29438, Sabin 73617, Vail 211.
No copy located.
Schnering, Henrich Rupert.
Gott schuzet starket und erhalt uns in
gefahren, Dank-predigt uber den text Jes. XLI.
vers. 10. Zum preise der schugenden vorsehung
nach der erretung sans grossen seegefahren lat
35°. 30. long. Fcrro 331°. Im schiffe Pegasus,
Captain Henrich Mangels von Bremen in Deutchland,
nach Baltimore in America, vom 14n October, 1793,
bis den 19n April, 1794. Verfasset von Henrich
Rupert Schnering, dos Predigt-Amts, in Breraischen,
Baltimore? Gedruckt bey Samuel Saur? 1795?
Copyright notice, dated December 23 .[1794] and
signed by Philip Moore, clerk of the district of
Maryland, was published in the January 1, 1795,
issue of the Maryland journal and Baltimore
universal daily advertiser.
Evans 27677 (listed under 1794).
No copy located.
Susquehanna canal office.
At a meeting of the governor and directors
of the Maryland Susquehannah canal, held / at the
canal, on Thursday, the 28th May, 1795. / Resolved,
[Four lines of text] Samuel Hughes, governor. /
Test. / David Harris, secretary. / [rules] /
Circular. / Maryland, Susquehannah canal office,
May 29th, 1795. / Sir, / At a period so generally
interesting to the improvement of our common
country, it seems / very extraordinary, that an
object of such immense importance as the navigation
of the river / Susquehannah should have been, of
late, so little attended to ... / [30 lines of
text on first page, 44 on second]/ [Signed]
Samuel Hughes, / George Gale, / John Holmes. //
[Annapolis? Printed by Frederick Green? 1796]
broadside, 32 x 40 1/2 cm. (folded: 32 x 20 1/2
cm.) printed on p. [l-2],
Evans 29032.