Eleazer Oswald, Printer and Patriot
ceive more favorable action there. A letter written to Lamb on October
15 shows that he was planning this appeal even before Washington's
reply had been received.
"I am in the greatest Suspense, not knowing how to act, or taking the necessary Steps to lay my
mal-treatment before Congress, and point out the Injustice of the Board of Officers....... Many
members of Congress are surprised that any Board could determine the Matter against me, as
every Circumstance relating to my Conduct since the first of the War, operated in my Favor, not-
withstanding I did not receive any Commission from the Time of my entering as a Volunteer, dur-
ing my Captivity &c..... ,"18
After his memorial requesting permission to resign from the army
had been read in Congress a motion was made that it be referred to a
committee of arrangement "and that General Washington be directed
to transmit to the said committee the principles upon which was
grounded the determination of the board of general officers, convened
to adjust the relative rank betwixt Colonel Lamb and Colonel Harri-
son, and of Lieutenant Colonel Oswald and Lieutenant Colonel Carring-
ton, together with a state of the claims of the respective officers above-
mentioned; and that the committee report to Congress ..."
A vote was held on the question and the motion failed to pass, prob-
ably because the friends of Washington in Congress were opposed to
allowing a committee of Congress to investigate what was a matter of
military administration. A second motion was then offered that Oswald's
memorial be referred to Washington and that he be directed to give a
report on it showing the grounds by which the relative rank of the
officers concerned was reached. This motion also failed to pass and action
on Oswald's resignation was deferred.19 On November 7 his memorial was
referred to a committee of three and on December 11 two more mem-
bers were added. Their report was presented on January 2, 1779 and
they recommended that "Lieutenant Colonel Oswald's Resignation be
accepted agreeable to the prayer of his Memorial; and that the Con-
gress entertain a high sense of his merit and services."20
Oswald probably became acquainted with Goddard through his
father-in-law or through his friend, Colonel John Lamb. John Holt
18 Lamb Papers, Box II, No. 102. Oswald to Lamb, Philadelphia, 15 Oct. 1778.
19 Journals of the Continental Congress. Vol. XII. 1778. pp. 1092-1094. The motions were presented on November 2.
It is interesting to note that Edward Langworthy (see the biographical sketch of him) who was in Congress at this time
voted both times in support of the motions to require Washington to justify his conduct.
20 Journals of the Continental Congress. Vol. XIII. 1779. pp. 24.