A History of the Maryland Press, 1777-1790
even hundred and | eighty-seven, | [ornamental rule] | [arms of the state] | [ornamental rule] |
Annapolis; | Printed by Frederick Green, Printer to the State. [1787.]
Folio. [A], B-N2, (Op. 26 leaves.
No pagination.
Leaf measures: 14 3/4 x 8 3/4 inches.
There were two variants of the title page of this session law. There is a copy of the laws without the arms of the State
at the Library of Congress. The Maryland Historical Society, New York Public Library and Rhode Island Law Library
copies have the arms on the title page.
Evans, 30485 and 20486. Waters, American Lavs, 245. Benedict, 93.
MdHS (imperfect.) MdDioc. MdSL. BaltBar. LC(3 copies). NYPL. HarvardLaw. Huntington. BPI. BaltCityLib.
N YSL. RIUwLib. Columbia Law.
435 ——— Laws | Of | Maryland, [ Made Since | M,DCC,LXIII, | Consisting of | Acts of Assembly,
| Under The Proprietary Government, | Resolves of Convention, the Dcclarati— | On of Rights, the
Constitution and Form | of Government, the Articles of Confe- | deration, And, | Acts of Assembly |
Since The | Revolution, | [rule] ] [eight lines of quotations] | [rule] [ Annapolis: | Printed by Fred-
erick Green, Printer to the State. | MDCCLXXXVII.
Folio. [A]-Z2, Aa-Zz3, Aaa-Zzz2, Aaaa-Zzzz2, Aaaaa-TtttP, A-C2, blank leaf.
No pagination.
Leaf measures: 15 1/2 x 91/2 inches.
The Assembly resolved on January 22, 1785, to have A. C. Hanson and Samuel Chase edit a collection of the laws of the
state since 1763 to form a companion volume to Bacon's Laws. Hanson did the work of editing and produced a volume which
compares favorably with Bacon's monumental work. One hundred copies were printed for the use of the state and an unde-
termined number for sale. See numbers 369 and 370 for subscription papers for this edition.
Evans, 20483. Stbin, 45189. Benedict, 92.
MdHS. MdDioc. EPFL. MdSL. Many other public and private collections. The remainder of this edition consisting of
about twenty copies is at the Hall of Records in Annapolis.
436. [ ———— Present State of Maryland. By the Delegates of the People. Annapolis: Printed by
Frederick Green, 1787.]
Collation unknown.
The committee of the House to prepare an address to the constituents, of which Robert Wright of Kent county was
chairman, delivered their final draft on January 16,1787, and it was ordered that ''the said address be signed by Mr. speaker,
and that 1800 copies thereof be immediately published, and 100 copies sent to each county, and that it be published in the
Maryland Gazette and Baltimore Journal." No copy of this edition has been located. A London edition was published for
John Stockdale in the same year with the statement that it was taken from a Baltimore imprint, perhaps the Maryland
Journal. The address was written because of a difference of opinion between the House and Senate over the proposed bill
for the emission of paper money. The Monthly Review, January 1788, pp. 66-67 contains a review of the book. On January
20, 1787, the Senate protested against this appeal to the people as conducive to violence and disorder.
Not in Evans. Sabin, 45379- Brinley, 3875.
MdHS and other libraries have London edition.
437. ——— [double rule] | Votes and Proceedings | Of The | House Of Delegates | Of The | State of
Maryland, | November Session, 1786. | Being the First Session of this Assembly. | ... [Annapolis:
Printed by Frederick Green, 1787.]
Folio. A-Z2, Aa-Dd2 54 leaves. Text with heading as above.
Pages: (1)-107.
Leaf measures: 13 1/4 x 7 1/4 inches.
The assembly was convened November 6 and a quotum was present November 13. The session ended January ao, 1787.
Evans, 90487.
MdHS. MdSL. Huntington.