A History of the Maryland Press? 1777-1790
289. JOHNSON, JOHONNOTT, AND co. Baltimore, [Oct. 28] 1783. | We have established a House in
Baltimore, in the State | of Maryland, under the Firm of Johnson, Jo- | honnott, and Co..... |
Baltimore, Printed by , 1783.
Sm. 4to. broadside.
Leaf measures: o x 71/4 inches.
This announcement of the opening of a new firm for transacting business in Baltimore and in Boston was signed by
Henry Johnson, Francis Johonnot (sic) and George S. Johonnot (sic). The date Oct. 28 is filled in in mss. and also there is
s, mss. note that the house is established in Boston.
Not in Evans.
JCB (a copies).
290. MARYLAND. An A[ct to raise the supplies for the] | year [seventeen hundred and eighty-] |
three. | [ornamental rule] | An [napolis:] | Printed by Fre [derick Green] | Prin [ter to the State,]
Sta. octavo. [A]-D4, E2.
Pages: [1]-35.
Leaf measures: 6 1/2 x 4 1/4 inches.
Frederick Green was ordered to print and stitch in blue covers seven hundred and fifty copies of this act which were to
be distributed before January 10,1783 to the assessors and sheriffs in the various counties. Laws of Maryland ... November
session 1782. Chapter VI. See LXI.
Not in Evans.
MdHS (lacks t.p.).
291. ————Laws | Of | Maryland, | Made And Passed | At A | Session Of Assembly, | Begun and
held at the city of Annapolis, on Monday the | Fourth of November, in the year of our Lord one
thousand ! seven hundred and eighty-two. | [ornamental rule] | [arms of the state] | [ornamental
rule] | Annapolis: [ Printed by Frederick Green, | Printer to the State. [1783.]
Folio. [Ap, B-RJ, [S]1. 34 leaves. No Pagination. Text with session heading and running heads.
Leaf measures: 12 1/2 x 7 1/4 inches.
Evans, 18011. Waters, American Lavs, 343.
MdHS. MdDioc. MdSL. LC(imperfect). NYPL. Harvard Law. Huntington. JHP. BPI.
292. ——— Laws | Of | Maryland, i Made And Passed, | At A | Session Of Assembly, | Begun and
held at the City of Annapolis, on Monday the | twenty-first of April, in the Year of our Lord one
thou-| sand seven hundred and eighty-three. | [ornamental rule] | [arms of the state] | [ornamental
rule] | Annapolis: | Printed by Frederick Green, | Printer to the State. [1783.]
Folio, [A]1, B-M2, [N]1. 34 leaves. No pagination. Text with session heading and running heads.
Leaf measures: 12 1/4 x 7 1/2 inches.
Evans, 18012.
MdHS. MdSL. LC (imperfect). NYPL. HarvardLaw. 8M. JHP. BPI.
293. [——— Proclamation of his excellency William Paca, esq; governor of Maryland. Whereas
the United States in Congress assembled have thought fit to issue the following Proclamation, viz:
Declaring the cessation of arms, as well by sea, as by land, agreed upon between the United States
of America and his Britannic majesty, and enjoining the observance thereof..... Done in Council,
at Annapolis, this twenty-second day of April, 1783 ... Annapolis: Printed by Frederick Green,
Folio broadside.
Evans describes but does not locate. Ford mentions the broadside bat also fails to locate a copy.
Evans, 18139.
No copy located.