A Bibliography of Maryland Imprints
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 131/4 x 81/4 inches.
Gross proceeds £93: x 7:6.
Not in Evans.
Randall collection: 45.
162. ——— (By Permission.) | At the New Theatre, in Baltimore, | On Monday Evening, being
the 1st of April, 1782, | Will be presented, the Tragedy of the | London Merchant; | Or, George
Barnwell. | ... To which will be added, a Farce, called | The Lying Valet. | ... After the Farce, a
Hornpipe, by Mr. Patterson. | ... [ornamental rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard.
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 121/4 z 7 7/8 inches.
Gross proceeds were £154:0:0.—(Mss note.) Seilhamer does not mention this performance.
Not in Evans.
Randall collection: 47.
i62a. ———— (By Permission.) | At the New Theatre, in Baltimore, | This Evening, being Tuesday,
the 2d of April, 1782, | Will be presented, the Comedy of | The Busy Body. |... To which will be
added, a Farce, called | The Lying Valet. | ... [ornamental rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M. K.
Goddard. [1782.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 13 x 8 inches.
Total proceeds: £52:17:6.
Not in Evans.
Randall collecton: 48.
163. ———— (By Permission.) | At the New Theatre, in Baltimore, | On Thursday Evening, being
the 4th of April, 1782, | Will be presented, the Tragedy of the | Fair Penitent, | ... To which will be
added, a Ballad Farce, called | The Contrivances. | ... After the Farce, a Hornpipe, by Mr. Patter-
son. | ... [ornamental rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard. [1782.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 131/4 x 8 inches.
Total proceeds including side boxes: £94:18:9.—(Mss note.) Seilhamer does not mention this performance.
Not in Evans.
Randall collection: 49.
164. ———— (By Permission.) | At the New Theatre, in Baltimore, | On Tuesday Evening, being
the 9th of April, 1782, | Will be presented, the Comedy of the | Wonder! | A Woman keeps a Secret,
| ... To which will be added, a Farce, called | The Citizen. | After the Farce, a Hornpipe, by Mr.
Patterson, | ... [ornamental rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard. [1782.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 13 3/4 x 7 1/4 inches.
Mss notes: "Mr. Street was this day taken suddenly very ill, so that Mr. Hoard read the part of Colonel Briton and did
it admirably well and in the farce Mr. Lewis read the part of Beaufort, which Mr. Street was likewise to have done. N.B.
This play was performed in Spanish Dresses all entirely new. Total proceeds: £119:16:3."
Not in Evans.
Randall collection: 50.
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