A History of the Maryland Press, 1777-1790
144. ARATUS, pseud. To the General Assembly of Maryland. | An Individual, without consequence
or importance, pre- | sumes to offer his sentiments upon a subject, which will 1 probably attract
your attention during the present Ses- | sion..... | [signed] Aratus. | Maryland, November 9, 1782.
| [ornament] 1 [ornamental rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard. | [1782.]
Folio. Printed on both sides in two columns.
Leaf measures: 16 x 9 1/2 inches.
Aratus states that "It b now evidently the wish and interest of a decided majority of the people throughout the State,
that the Seat of Government should be removed from Annapolis to Baltimore, now so rapidly increasing in trade, population
and opulence,....." He suggests that Annapolis be recompensed by being made the capital of the United States. In order
to attract the Continental Congress to that city he suggests that certain concessions in its local government be offered. As
a preliminary to negotiations for the national government, the state capital should be removed to Baltimore.
Not in Evans.
EPFL (In volume of Md. Journal for 1782.)
145. BALTIMORE THEATRE. [By Permission.] | The New Theatre, in Baltimore, | Will Open, on Tues-
day Evening, the I5th of | January, 1782, | With an Historical Tragedy, called | King Richard
III. | ... [ornamental rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard. [1782.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 131/4 z 81/4 inches.
There was also the added attraction of "Miss In Her Teens, Or, the Medley of Lovers." The gross proceeds for the
evening, according to a manuscript note on the broadside were £96:8:9 which almost agrees with the amount entered in
the Mss Books of the Baltimore Company of Comedians.
Not in Evans.
Randall collection: 26.
146. ———— [By Permission.] | At the New Theatre, in Baltimore | On Friday Evening, being the
18th of January, 1782, | Will be presented, an Historical Tragedy, called | King Richard III. i To
which will be added, a Farce, called | The King and the Miller of Mansfield. | ... [Baltimore:
Printed by M. K. Goddard, 1782.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 131/4 z 81/4 inches.
The gross proceeds according to a manuscript note on the broadside were £79:13:9. According to the records of the
company, they were slightly higher. No mention in Seilhamer of this performance.
Not in Evans.
Randall collection: 27.
147. ———L [By Permission.] | At the New Theatre, in Baltimore, | On Friday Evening next, being
the 25th of January, 1782, | Will be presented, the Tragedy of the | Orphan, | Or, The Unhappy
Marriage. | ... To which will be added, a Farce, called 1 The King and the Miller of Mansfield
... [ornamental rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard. [1782.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 131/4 z 81/4 inches.
The gross proceeds for this performance were, according to a mss note, £120:12:6.
Not in Evans.
Randall collection: 28.
148. ———— [By Permission.] | At the New Theatre, in Baltimore, [ On Tuesday Evening, being
the 29th of January, 1782, | Will be presented, the Tragedy of the ! Orphan, | Or, The Unhappy
Marriage. | ... To which will be added, a Farce, (written by Mr. Murphy) called | The Citizen.
| ... [ornamental rule] 1 Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard. [1782.]
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