A History of the Maryland Press, 1777-1790
135. Annapolis, May 6. | Important Intelligence, lately | arrived from the Northward. | Philadel-
phia, May 2. | Last night a gentleman arrived here, who left | New-York on Monday last, at noon.
... | [ornamental rule] | Printed by F. and S. Green. [1782.]
Narrow folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 11 1/4 x 4 inches.
This handbill contains the news of Sir Henry Conway's motion in Parliament that the war be discontinued and also the
vote of the House of Commons which defeated the measure by a majority of only nineteen. Mention is made of Adam's
peace mission in London.
Evans, 17461.
136. ANNAPOLIS THEATRE. Annapolis, October 5, 1782. | Mr. Lindsay takes this method of in- |
forming the ladies and gentlemen residing in | the lower counties, and on the eastern shore, that, |
By Permission, he intends opening the theatre, in | Annapolis, with theatrical performances, on the
23d | instant, and means to continue there with his com- | pany for a few weeks. [Annapolis, Printed
by F. Green, 1782.]
Sm. 4to. broadside.
Leaf measures: 4 3/4 x 6 3/4 inches.
Not in Evans.
137. ——— By Permission. | On Friday Evening, the 25th of October, 1782, | the Theatre at Annap-
olis will be opened | with the Tragedy of | Douglass. | ... To which will he (sic) added, a Farce
called | The Mayor of Garrat. | ... [Annapolis, Printed by F. Green, 1782.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 13 1/4 x 8 inches.
(Mss note):—Gross proceeds £100:12:6.
Not in Evans.
138. ——— By Permission. | At the Theatre in Annapolis will be presented, | On Tuesday, the 29th
of October, 1782, | A Comedy called, The | Merchant | of | Venice. | ... A Dance, by Mr. Russel. |
To which will he (sic) added, a Farce, never performed there, called | The Ghost. | ... To conclude
with a Hornpipe by Mr. Patterson. | ... [Annapolis, Printed by F. Green, 1782.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 13 3/8 x 8 inches.
(Mss note):—Gross Proceeds £100:0:0.
Not in Evans.
139. ——— By Permission, | On Wednesday, the 30th of October, 1782, will be presented, | At the
Theatre in Annapolis, | A Tragedy called, The | Revenge. [ ... End of the Play a Comic Dance,
called the | Fricasse, by Mr. Roussel and Mr. Lindsay. | A Song by Miss Wall, | To which will be
added, a Farce, called | The Apprentice. | ... [Annapolis: Printed by F. Green, 1782.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 13 1/4 x 3 inches.