A Bibliography of Maryland Imprints
120. ———— By Permission. | Mr. Wall, | Comedian, from Annapolis, will present, on Friday Evening
the 28th | of September 1781, at Mr. Lindsay's Coffee-House, on Fell's-Point, | A. Farrago | Of |
Theatrical Amusements, ] ... [ornamental rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard. | [1781.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 13 1/2 x 8 inches.
This entertainment was practically the same as that offered in Annapolis a week before except a new actor appeared for
the first Ume on the stage. His name is given in mss. as Mr. Tilyard.
Not in Evans.
Randall collection: 12.
121. ——— By Permission. | Mr. Wall, | Comedian, from Annapolis, will present, on Monday
Evening, the 1st | of October 1781, at Mr. Lindsay's Coffee-House, on Fell's-Point, | A Medley | Of
| Theatrical Amusements, 1 ... [ornamental rule] | Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard. | [1781.]
Folio broadside.
Leaf measures: 13 1/4 x 8 inches.
The program for this week was considerably changed and a notable addition was the scene between Polly and Macheath,
in the Beggar's Opera.
Randall collection: 13.
122. ——— By Permission. | On Wednesday Evening the 3d of October 1781, will be presented, at |
Mr. Lindsay's Coffee-House, on Fell's-Point, | A Medley | Of | Theatrical Amusements, | ...
[ornamental rule] 1 Baltimore: Printed by M. K. Goddard. [1781.]
Folio broadside. Ornamental rule at head of sheet.
Leaf measures: 13 1/2 x 8 inches.
The program included an interlude taken from the Recruiting-Officer and the farce of Miss in her Teens.
Not in Evans.
Randall collection: 14.
123. MARYLAND. Laws | Of | Maryland, | Made And Passed | At A | Session Of Assembly, | Begun
and held at the city of Annapolis, on Tuesday the | seventeenth of October, in the year of our
Lord one | thousand seven hundred and eighty, [ornamental rule] | [arms of the state] | [ornamental
rule] | Annapolis: | Printed by Frederick Green, | Printer to the State. [1781.]
Folio. [Ap, B-Z2, Aa-Dd2. 53 leaves. No pagination. Text with session heading and running heads.
Leaf measures: 12 x 7 1/4 inches.
Evans, 17205. Benedict, 89.
MdHS. MdSL. BaltBar. LC. NYPL. HarvardLaw. NYSL. BPI (imperfect.)
124. ——— Laws | Of | Maryland, | Made And Passed | At A | Session Of Assembly, | Begun and
held at the city of Annapolis, on Thursday the | tenth of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand
| seven hundred and eighty-one. | [ornamental rule] | [arms of the state] | [ornamental rule] | Annap-
olis: | Printed by Frederick Green, | Printer to the State. [1781.]
Folio. [A]1, B-P2, [Q]1. 30 leaves. No pagination. Text with session heading and running heads.
Leaf measures: 12 x 7 1/3inches.
Evans, 17206.
MdHS. MdDioc. MdSL. BaltBar, LC. NYPL. HarvardLaw. MassSL. BM. JHP. BPI. ColumbiaLaw. NYSL.
125. ———— Maryland, sc. | Know all men by these presents, that we | of county, are
held and firmly bound unto the | State of Maryland, in the full and just sum of |
gold currency, to be paid to the | said state of Maryland: ... [Annapolis: Printed by F. Green, 1781.]