A Bibliography of Maryland Imprints
91. Laws | Of | Maryland, | Mace And Passed | At A | Session Of Assembly, | Begun and
held at the city of Annapolis, on Monday the | eighth of November, in the year of our Lord one
thou- | sand seven hundred and seventy-nine. | [ornamental rule] | [arms of the state] | [ornamental
rule] | Annapolis: | Printed by Frederick Green, | Printer to the State. [1780.]
Folio. [A]1, B-X2. 41 leaves. No pagination. Text with session heading and running heads.
Leaf measures: 12 x 7 1/4 inches.
Evans, 16827.
MdHS. MdDioc. MdSL. BaltBar. LC(s copies). NYPL. HarvardLaw. BM. NYSL.
92. Laws | Of | Maryland, [ Made And Passed | At A | Session Of Assembly, | Begun and
held at the city of Annapolis, on Thursday the | twenty-third of March, in the year of our Lord
one thou- | sand seven hundred and eighty. | [ornamental rule] | [arms of the state] | [ornamental
rule] | Annapolis: | Printed by Frederick Green, | Printer to the State. [1780.]
Folio. [A]1, B-H2, [I]1. 16 leaves. No pagination. Text with session heading and running heads.
Leaf measures: 12 x 71/4 inches.
Evans, 16828.
MdHS. MdDioc. MdSL. BaltBar. LC (2 copies). NYPL. HarvardLaw. BM. NYSL.
93. Laws | Of | Maryland, | Made And Passed | At A | Session Of Assembly, | Begun and
held at the city of Annapolis, on Monday the | twelfth of June, in the year of our Lord one thousand |
seven hundred and eighty, | [ornamental rule] [ [arms of the state] | [ornamental rule] | Annapolis:
| Printed by Frederick Green, | [1780.]
Folio. [Ap, B-T2. 37 leaves. No pagination. Text with session heading and running heads.
Leaf measures: 12 x 71/2 inches.
During June session the legislature was largely concerned with providing the necessary supplies for the army and in
raising the quota of troops. The following chapters of the laws passed by this session were printed separately in a folio edition
of one hundred copies each and copies can be found in the Washington Papers at the Library of Congress:Chapters X,
Evans, 16829.
MdHS (t.p. supplied in photostat.) MdDioc. MdSL. Balt. Bar. LC. (2 copies). NYPL. HarvardLaw. BM. NYSL.
94. Messages | Between The | Two Houses | Of | Assembly, | On the Subject of | Confisca-
| tion | Of | British Property. | [ornamental rule] | Annapolis: | Printed by Frederick Green, | Printer
to the State. | [1780.]
Sm. 8vo., I[A]-D4, E3. 19 leaves.
Pages: [1]-37.
Leaf measures: 6 x 3 7/8 inches.
This pamphlet containing the messages between the two houses was published by order of the House of Delegates who,
on December 30, 1779, ordered "That two hundred copies of the messages between the two houses, respecting the confisca-
tion of British property, be immediately printed." The Continental Congress had requested money from the state and the
House of Delegates, who were opposed to raising the taxes, proposed that the seizing and confiscation of British property
would be a solution. The Senate, however, refused to pass the bill and a deadlock ensued. The House resolved "That the
voters of this state be earnestly requested to express their sentiments on the present difference between the two branches
of legislature, respecting the seizing and confiscating British property within this State." The House of Delegates was
successful in a later session. (See Bibliography of Imprints, 95.)
Not in Evans or Sabin.
95. Proceedings | Of The | Two Houses | Of 1 Assembly 1 Of The State Of | Maryland, |
On The Subject Of | Confiscation | Of | British Property, &c. | [ornamental rule] | Annapolis: |
Printed By Frederick Green, | Printer to the State. 1 [1780.]