CHAP- 34.
tnd the justices of the lety court ef Anne-Arundel county, are
hereby authorised and empowered, to assess and levy a sum of
money, not exceeding one hundred dollars^ on the assessable pro-
perty in their respective counties, at the time of laying their
next county rates, together with the commission for collecting
the same, which said assessment shall be made, levied, collect-
ed, and paid to the commissioners appointed by this act, or to
their order, as soon as the same shall become payable by law.
2. And Be it enacted. That the following persons are ap-
pointed commissioners for repairing said bridge, to wit: On the
Bart of Prince-George's county, William A. Hall and William
B. Mullikin, and on the part of Anne-Arundel county, Willi-
am I. flail and John S. Sellman; and the said commissioners, or
a majority of them, are authorised and empowered, as soon as
may be convenient, to cause the said bridge to be rebuilt or re-
paired of sound and good materials) and completed in the best
and most substantial manner; and they, or a majority of them,
are by this, act fully authorised and empowered to agree with a
contractor or contractors, for rebuilding or repairing said bridge,
or they may purchase materials, and hire workmen and labour-
ers to complete the same, as they in their discretion rnay think,
best; and in cither case the said bridge shall be rebuilt and re-
paired under the immediate direction and superintendence of
the said commissioners, or a majority of them.
Vacancies, how
to be supplied
3. And be it enacted, That if either of said commissioners
shall die, or remove out of the county in which he is a commis-
sioner, before the completion of said bridge, or shall refuse- to
act, the commissioner who shall have been appointed to act with
him may appoint some other person, resident of the county in
which he was a commissioner, to act in his place; and the per-
son so appointed shall have the same powers and authorities as-
are vested in the said commissioners by this act
A full account
of money expended
ed to be rendered
to the levy courts
4. And be it enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid, or
a majority of them, shall render to the justices of the levy
courts of the said counties respectively, at their meeting next after
the expenditure of said money, a true, full and fair account of
all the money by them laid out and expended by virtue of this
act, in rebuilding or repairing said bridge, and that the said levy
courts, in their respective counties, shall make such compensa-
tion to the said commissioners, as they in their judgment shall
think proper.
Passeed Jan., 24, 18277
A Supplement tb the act, entitled, An act to provide fora new Assessment,-
and to appoint Collectors of the County Tax, in and for the City and
County, of Baltimore.
Levy court may
call upon contractor
to give a new bond
4. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That the levy court for Baltimore county, be and is hereby au-
thorised and empowered, at any time whenever the said court
shall be of opinion that the bond and security given by any col-
lector of the tax for the city or county of Baltimore has become
insufficient to prevent the loss of the taxes, or any part thereof,
to call upon such collector to give a new bond, with additional
security, for the faithful discharge of his,or their duties which