of the county courts, agreeably to the acts of No-
vember session 1785, chapter 9, section 7, of No-
vember sessions 1805, chapter 65, section 20, and of
1806, chapter 90, section 7, for every ten words or
figures thereof, and so pro rata 1 ct
For recording or transcribing the laws of the state, made
and passed from time to time, by the general assem-
bly, all deeds, indentures, conveyances of land,
bonds, mortgages, or any other matter or thing re-
quired by law or the parties to be recorded or tran-
scribed, not herein before particularly enumerated,
and for which no other allowance hath been already
specifically made, for every ten words or figures
written, and so pro rata, 1 ct
For making up and recording in extenso, all judg-
ments, writs of fieri facias, venditioni exponas,
or other writs of execution, under or by virtue of
which any lands or tenements shall be seized in exe-
cution and sold, with the several returns to such
writs or executions; and also all decrees, petitions,
commissions with their respective returns, and other
judicial or court's proceedings, either in law or equi-
ty, relating to lands, tenements, and other real es-
tate, specified and expressly required so to be re-
corded and made up at full length by the seventh
section of the act of 1817, chapter 119, and in the
manner therein prescribed; or in all other cases, ac-
tions, suits or prosecutions, that may be expressly
directed or required, in writing, by some person or
party interested therein; and also for all exemplifi-
cations of the proceedings, judgments or decrees,
in all cases where a full and complete record there-
of may not have been already made up, or autho-
rised, as provided for by this act, (but in no other
case whatever,) to be charged to those for whose
nse or benefit such services may be performed, or
to those requiring the same to be done, for every
ten words or figures written, and so pro raia, 1 1/4 cts,
For recording or copying all plots made by survey-
ors, and which may be filed in office, when so re-
quired either by law or an individual, the same
fees as are by law limited and allowed to survey-
ors for the performance of like or similar services.
For alpbabeting every instrument, proceeding, paper,
or other matter, recorded in the office, and endors-
ing or entering thereon a certificate referring to the
Record, for every ten words and figures necessarily
written for that purpose, and so pro rata, 1 1/4 cts
Bat this provision shall not be so construed as to ex-
tend to any alphabets or indexes made to the dock-
ets of actions, suits or prosecutions.
Clerks of Court of