Votes and Resolves of the Lower House of
Assembly of the Province of Maryland,
see Maryland, Votes and Proceedings of.
"Vox Populi, Vox Dei. A Providence Ga-
zette Extraordinary," 121.
Wallace, Charles, io5n.
Wapping Wharf, Annapolis, 29.
Warner, John, Nos. 48, 58, 69.
Washington, George, 129, 135, 138, 139,141,
I4in, 145.
We have just received the following important
Intelligence (1775), No. 345.
We, the Subscribers, his Majesty s loyal and
dutiful Subjects, (1769), No. 289.
"Webb, Mr." George (?), John (?), 70n.
Weeks, L. H., History of Paper Manufactur-
ing in the U. S., 1690-1916, cited, 73n.
The Weeks Preparation, No. 59.
Weyman, Henry T., cited, 74n.
Wharton, Thomas, 123; partnership with
Goddard and Galloway, 124-127.
Where are ye All now? (1774), No. 341.
Whereas Lord Dunmore (1775), No. 368.
Whereas, the just War (1776), No. 386.
Whetcroft, William, I34n.
Whig Club of Baltimore, attack upon Wil-
liam Goddard, 136, 137.
White, Father Andrew, Catechism, 147,148,
Williamsburg, Virginia, existence of press
there in 1702 questioned, 2; press estab-
lished there in 1730 by William Parks, 71 ;
Nos. 368 and 369.
Wilson, Thomas (the Rt. Rev.), 96, 96n.
Winchester, Elhanan, Nos. 390, 391.
Wolstenholme, Daniel, 105n; No. 288.
Women printers in America, 15.
Woodbridge, N. J., 123, I23n.
Woodward, Ashbel, "Brief Memories and
Notices of Prince's Subscribers," cited,
Wooten, see Wooten.
Wooten, James (the Rev.), 28n; No. 14.
Wroth, L. C, "A Maryland Merchant and
his Friends," cited, 98n.
Zenger, Anna Catherina (Maul), 52.
Zenger, John, 52.
Zenger, John Peter, 42n, 44; 49-58; sketch
of his life, 49-50; arrival in Maryland, 50;
petition to print Session Laws (1720), 50;
his naturalization in Maryland, 50; loca-
tion of residence and printing house, Ches-
tertown or Annapolis, 50-53; evidence of
his printing Maryland Session Laws (1720-
1721), 50-51 ; removal from Maryland and
later life, 51-52; discussion of his Mary-
land activities, 52, 53.