A History of Printing in Colonial Maryland
Printed by William Bradford, Printer, in Market-| Street, for the Author, 1759.| [Price
Bound, Twelve Shillings and Six Pence Currency.] |
8vo. 4 preliminary leaves, A-Z4, Aa-Zz4; (Qq2 incorrectly given as Rr2, which is repeated in its proper place);
188 leaves; pp. [i-viii], [i]-366, [368]; pp. 361-366 wrongly numbered 561-566, p. 343 wrongly numbered 344; p.
[5]: title; p. [iii]: dedication to the Hon. Stephen Bordley, Esq; pp. [v-viii]: "Preface", with head and tail pieces,
running heads; pp. [i]-io: The | Charter | of | Maryland.), with head and tail pieces, running heads; pp. 11-288:
text, with running heads and heading, Abridgment | of the | Acts of Assembly | of the | Province of Maryland | at
present in Force.|; p. 288: "Finis"; p. 289: half-title, Choice | and approved | Precedents | in | Law | and | Con-
veyancing:) alphabetically digested.) Calculated | for the Use of the Gentlemen of the Province ) of | Maryland.|;
pp. 291-338: text of Choice and Approved Precedents, etc. with heading; pp. 339-1343] (printed 344): "Index.";
P- [3431 (printed 344): "Finis"; pp. 345~353: Index.| To | the Body of Laws.|; pp. 353-1362] (printed 562): "Table
or list of the Acts of Assembly of the Province of Maryland inserted in this collection."; pp. [362-366] (printed
562-566): "Appendix. Of some material Laws, omitted to be inserted in the foregoing collection."; p. [366]
(printed 566): "Finis" and tail-piece.
Leaf measures: 8 x 51/3 inches. Type page, p. 12: 166 x 92 mm.
For discussion of the work, see foregoing narrative.
Proposals for subscriptions published first in Maryland Gazette for June 1, 1758. On Jan. 4, 1759, in the same
newspaper, Bissett thanks his subscribers for their generous response and announces early publication. It was
advertised as "just published" in Maryland Gazette, June 28, 1759, "in large octavo."
MdHS. MDioc. HSP. NYPL. NYBA. and in many other law and reference libraries.
216. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. Votes and Proceedings | of the | Lower House of Assembly
| of the | Province of Maryland.] (22 November-23 December, 1758). Annapolis:| Printed
and Sold by Jonas Green. MDCCLIX.|
*4to. E-N2, [O]1; 19 leaves; pp. [i7]~53, [54]: text, with head-piece, heading as above, session heading of six
lines and running heads; last leaf (Os, pp. 55-56) lacking, but doubtless blank.
Leaf measures: 97/16 x 77/16 inches. Type page, p. 18: 184 x 143 mm.
Pagination and signatures continuous with those of the V. & P. of Oct. 1758.
MdHS. MDSL. Pleasants. HU.
217. —Votes and Proceedings | of the | Lower House of Assembly | of the | Province of
Maryland.] (4 April-iy April 1759.) [Colophon:] Annapolis: Printed by Jonas Green.
*Sm. 410. P-T2; 10 leaves; pages [57]-76: text, with head-piece, heading as above and session heading of six
lines; p. 76: colophon.
Leaf measures: 8 1/2 x 6 3/4 inches. Type page, p. 58: 181 x 143 mm.
There were no Acts passed at this convention of Assembly. Pagination and signatures of V. & P. continuous
since Oct. 1758.
218. The | Maryland Gazette,| Containing the freshest Advices foreign and domestic.]
(Jan. 4-Dec. 27,1759, Nos. 713-764.) [Colophon, same as in Nos. 703-712 in 1758].
14 x 9 inches; 2 leaves each number, except Nos. 714-715, 717 and 764, which have one each; three columns.
MDSL. (complete.) MdHS. (complete.)
219. MARYLAND, PROVINCE OF. Acts | of the Province of | Maryland,| made and passed |
at a Session of Assembly, begun and held at | the City of Annapolis, on Saturday the
Twen-| ty-second Day of March, in the Ninth Year | of the Dominion of the Right Hon-
ourable | Frederick, Lord Baron of Baltimore,| Absolute Lord and Proprietary of the Prov-
inces | of Maryland and Avalon, &c. Annoque Domini | 1760.] [Baltimore arms] Published
by Authority.] Annapolis :| Printed by Jonas Green, Printer to the Province, 1760.|
Sm. fol. [A]1, B2; 3 leaves; pages [1-2], 3-6; p. [i]: title; pp. 3-6: text, with running heads; p. 6: contents.
Leaf measures: 11 11/16 x 71/3 inches. Type page, p. 4: 255 x 124 mm.
MdHS. MDioc. HLS.