and preserve any of the town's property, rights;
and privileges; to regulate the sale of nos-
trums, notions, patents, secret or pretended
inventions and remedies on the streets, lanes,
alleys or sidewalks of the town, and regulate
the weighing of coal, hay and other commodi-
ties and merchandise; restrain, regulate and
suppress bawdy houses and houses of ill-fame,
and prohibit the youth of the town from being
on the streets, lanes or alleys at unreasonable
hours of the night; they may pass ordinances
for levying and collecting a tax on the assess-
able property of said town, for the general
purposes of said incorporation, not exceeding,
however, in any one year twenty-five cents on
each one hundred dollars worth of said assess-
able property; pass ordinances for the election
of a Clerk and Treasurer, and the appointment
by the Mayor of such other officers, agents or
servants as may be deemed necessary, and to-
fix their compensation, pass ordinances to sup-
press the carrying of concealed weapons, and
To prohibit.
the practice of firing and discharging fire-arms,
fire- crackers, rockets, torpedoes and other ex-
plosives, either by prohibiting the sale thereof
or otherwise; to restrain and prohibit gaming,
and to provide for licensing, regulating or re-
straining theatricals or other public amuse-
ments within the town limits; to punish and
suppress tramps by the imposition of fines and
penalties thereon, and on failure to pay such
fines, putting them to work on the public
streets; they shall erect lamps, and provide
proper and suitable lights upon the public-
streets; they shall have power to open or close
streets or parts of streets, lanes or alleys; pro-
vided, the question of closing any public street
or alley, or parts thereof, shall be first sub-
mitted to the voters of said town after twenty
days' public notice by hand-bills or otherwise,
and two-thirds of the legal votes cast upon
such question being in favor thereof; to pre-
vent swine, cattle, dogs or other animals from
running at large on the public streets, and to
prevent hog-pens within certain limits withia