upon the outside of the boat to be used by him in
catching oysters; said figures to be not less than
Numbers size
four inches in length and of proportionate width,
and place.
and to be painted near the gunwale on each side
of the boat, and no number other than that speci-
fied in the license shall be exposed to view in said
canoe or boat; any person or persons violating or fail-
ing to comply with the provisions of this section shall,
upon conviction thereof, be subject to a fine of not
less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That upon information
given under oath to any judge of the circuit court or
any justice of the peace of Saint Mary's or Charles
counties of any violation of any of the provisions of
this act in his respective county, he shall issue a war-
Judge issue
rant for the arrest of the offender and the seizure of
the boat, vessel and equipments, which warrant shall
be directed to the sheriff or any constable of his re-
spective county, or to any licensed tongmen of his re-
spective county under this act, or to any officers of the
state fishery force, and said person or persons, when
arrested, shall be taken before said judge or justice of
the peace to answer said warrant, and the boat, vessel
and equipments shall be held as security for the pay-
ment of the fine imposed and the costs of prosecutions
for violating the provisions of this act, which fine and
Lien on boat.
costs of prosecution shall be a lien upon the boat and
equipments so seized and taken for violation of this
act; and if said fine and costs be not paid within ten
days after conviction, said boat and equipments shall
be sold to satisfy the amount of said fine and costs,
after due notice given by said sheriff or constable seiz-
ing the same.
SEC. 9. And be it enacted, That any person or per-
sons convicted before any justice of the peace for vio-
lating the provisions of this act may have the right to
appeal to the circuit court of his or their respective
county; provided, he or they give notice of said ap-
peal to the justice of the peace within ten days after
Right of appeal
conviction before said justice, and at the same time
pay the costs in said case and deliver to the justice an
appeal bond in double the amount of the fine imposed,
with two or more good securities, to answer said case
at the next term of the circuit court for his or their
respective county.