Chapter 44.
AN ACT to repeal sub-section thirty-eight of chap-
ter one hundred and eight of the acts of assembly
passed at the session of eighteen hundred and sev-
enty-eight, entitled " An act to add an additional
section to the Code of Public Local Laws, to be en-
titled Garrett county," sub-title " Fish," and to re-
enact said section with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That sub-section thirty-eight of chapter
one hundred and eight of the acts of General Assem-
bly, passed at the session of eighteen hundred and
Repealed and
seventy-eight, entitled " An act to add a new article
to the code of Public Local Laws, to be entitled Gar-
rett county," sub-title " Fish," be and is hereby re-
pealed and re-enacted, to read as follows:
SEC. 38. No person shall take, catch or kill any
brook or river trout, or have any such trout in his or
her possession, except during the month of April,
May, June and July, and no person shall at any time
Not to catch or
kill any brook
take, catch or kill any such brook or river trout on
or river trout.
the Lord's day, commonly called Sunday, and no per-
son shall at any time take, catch or kill any such trout
except by angling with hook and line; and no person
shall at any time fish in any stream of said county
with net, seine, swab, fish-pot or other trap or devise,
except hook and line; and no person shall have in his
possession in said county, within one mile of any
stream inhabited by trout, any fish net, seine, swab
fish pot or other trap or device for catching fish, ex-
cept hook and line; provided, however, that this sec-
tion shall not be construed to prevent fishing for min-
How construed.
nows to be used for bait in streams where trout are
not known to exist, with nets not exceeding three feet
in length, without other attachments; and any and
every person violating this section, or any provisions
thereof, shall be fined for each offence a sum not less
than ten nor more than one hundred dollars.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That this section shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 4, 1884.