year, the first of said bonds to be redeemed two years
after said date, as hereinbefore provided, the prompt and
proper performance of the respective acts and duties here-
tofore defined, is specifically enjoined, and a failure upon
the part of "The Commissioners of Vienna, " or any of
their agents, to perform the necessary acts and duties
hereinafter set forth, to pay over the said funds as re-
quired, or to use said funds, or any part thereof, for any
purpose other than for the payment of the interest and
redemption of said bonds, as hereinbefore specifically pro-
vided, is hereby declared a misdemeanor, and punishable
as other misdemeanors are punishable by Section 16 of
this Act.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That when this Act
shall have become effective "The Commissioners of Vienna"
shall proceed to have surveys, plans and specifications, pre-
pared for complete water and sewerage systems. When
said plans and specifications have been completed, "The
Commissioners of Vienna" shall advertise, by notice in such
newspapers and technical press as they may deem proper,
for bids for the construction of said water and sewerage
systems in parts or as a whole, as in their judgment may
appear advisable. The contract or contracts shall be let
to the lowest responsible bidder, or "The Commissioners
of Vienna" may reject any or all bids and, if in their dis-
cretion the prices quoted are unreasonable, they shall re-
advertise the work, or may do any part or all of the work
by day labor; provided that at any time "The Commis-
sioners of Vienna, " in their discretion, expend for day
labor on construction an amount not exceeding One Thou-
sand Dollars ($1, 000. 00) without advertising or receiving
bids. All contracts may be protected by such bonds, penal-
ties and conditions as "The Commissioners of Vienna" shall
require, all of which shall be enforceable in any Court
having jurisdiction.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That "The Commis-
sioners of Vienna" shall assess benefits for such part of
the cost of construction of said water and sewerage sys-
tems as they may deem proper, and for this purpose shall
divide all properties binding upon a street, lane, alley or
right-of-way, in which a water pipe or sewer pipe is to be
laid, into four classes, namely: sub-division, industrial or
business, small acreage, and agricultural. Immediately
upon the commencement of the water supply and sewerage
project, "The Commissioners of Vienna" are empowered