the keeping of dogs and bitches in the town of Centre-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the. General Assembly of
Maryland, That Section 56 of Article 18 of the Code of
of Public Local Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title
"Queen Anne's County, " sub-title "Centreville, " be and it
is hereby repealed and re-enacted with amendments, and
that a new section be and it is hereby added to said Article,
to be known as Section 56A, to follow immediately after
Section 56 of said Article and all to read as follows:
56. The Town Commissioners of Centreville, Queen
Anne's County, a municipal corporation, is hereby author-
ized, directed and empowered to regulate the keeping of
dogs and bitches, and the number thereof to be kept, in the
corporate limits of the town of Centreville; to fix a tax or
license fee for such dogs and bitches it allows in said town;
to pass any rules and regulations in reference to dogs and
bitches when any dog or bitch is found in or near the cor-
porate limits of said town suffering with rabies or other
dangerous disease; to destroy any and all dogs and bitches,
whose owners do not comply with the regulations and
ordinances of said Town Commissioners; to destroy any
and all stray dogs and bitches without owners; to fix a fine
for failure to comply with any and all regulations and
ordinances passed by said Town Commissioners of Centre-
ville in reference to dogs and bitches, said fines to be im-
posed after trial by any justice of the peace in the town of
Centreville or by the Police Magistrate of Queen Anne's
County; and to pass any and all ordinances, rules and regu-
lations that may be necessary to carry out the authority
hereby conferred on said Town Commissioners of Centre-
56A. The authority and power conferred on the Town
Commissioners of Centreville by Section 56 of this Article
shall in no wise be lessened, altered, abridged or repealed
by any general law of the State of Maryland or by any
local law for Queen Anne's County, which is now in force
or may hereafter be passed; the intention of this act being
that the authority and power; hereby conferred on the
town Commissioners of Centreville is to be considered as an
additional and concurrent authority and power to and with
any general law of the State of Maryland and any local
law for Queen Anne's County relating to the subject mat-