Union Association, dated February 17, 1920, and recorded
among the Land Records of Baltimore City in Liber S. C.
L. No. 3530, Folio 280, etc.
To the acquisition and holding, in fee simple, by the
Trustees of the Church of God in Howard County, Mary-
land, a body corporate, of a lot of ground, situate on the
South side of Main Street, in Ellicott City, in said Howard
County, and improved by a frame dwelling, whenever the
same shall hereafter be acquired under a conveyance
thereof, duly executed and recorded, from Arthur K.
Pickett and Ada Z. Pickett, his wife, to the said the Trus-
tees of the Church of God in Howard County, Maryland,
said lot of ground being described in a deed dated April 5,
1930, and recorded among the Land Records of said How-
ard County in Liber H. S. K. No. 138, Folio 373, etc..from
Joseph L. Donovan, Attorney, to the said Arthur K.
To the conveyance contained in a Deed from The Right
Reverend Edmond J. Fritzmaurice, D. D..of the City of
Wilmington, State of Delaware, to Mother of Sorrows
Roman Catholic Church, Centreville, Maryland, a body
corporate, dated the 7th day of February, 1933, and re-
corded among the Land Records for Queen Anne's County
in Liber B. H. T. No. 16, Folio 109.
To the bequests contained in the late Will and Testament
of John P. Hammond, late of Baltimore City, deceased,
duly admitted to probate by the Orphans' Court for Balti-
more City and recorded in the Office of the Register of
Wills for Baltimore City in Wills Liber 163, Folio 541, as
(a) To the Methodist Protestant Church of Liberty-
town, Frederick County, Maryland, the sum of Two Hun-
dred Twelve Dollars and Nine Cents ($212.09).
(b) To the Methodist Protestant Church of Johnsville,
Frederick County, Maryland, the sum of Two Hundred
Twelve Dollars and Ten Cents ($212.10).
To the bequest of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) to
The Board of Missions of the Baltimore Conference M. E.
Church, South, as contained in the last Will and Testa-
ment of John E. McCahan, late of Frederick County, de-
ceased, dated the 28th day of September, 1912, duly ad-
mitted to probate by the Orphans' Court of Frederick
County and recorded in the Office of the Register of Wills