SEC. 3. Se it further enacted, That the act of
eighteen hundred and seventy-six, chapter fifty-seven,
acis repealed.
entitled "An Act for the protection of partridges,
rabbits, and to prevent trespass on private property,"
and all other acts or parts of acts inconsistent with
this act be and the same are hereby repealed in go
far as the same relates to Kent county.
Approved March 30, 1882.
Chapter 149.
AN ACT for the protection of the aids to naviga-
tion established by the authority of the United
States Lighthouse Board within the State of
SECTION 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assem-
bly of the State of Maryland, That any person or
Not to moor
persons who shall moor any vessel or vessels, of any
kind or name whatsoever, or any raft or any part of a
raft, to any buoy, beacon or day mark placed in the
waters of Maryland by the authority of the United
States Lighthouse Board, or shall in any manner hang
on with any vessel or raft, or part of a raft, to any such
buoy, beacon or day mark, or shall wilfully remove,
damage or destroy any such buoy, beacon or day
mark, or shall cut down, remove, damage or destroy
any beacon or beacons erected on land in this State
by the authority of the said United States Light
house Board, or through unavoidable accident run
down, drag from its position, or in any way injure
any buoy, beacon or day mark, as aforesaid, and
shall fail to give notice as soon as practicable of hav-
ing done so to the lighthouse inspector of the dis-
trict in which said buoy, beacon or day mark may
be located, or to the collector of the port, or if in
charge of a pilot, to the collector of port from
which he comes, shall for every such offence be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convic-
tion thereof before any court of competent jurisdic-
Pine or impris-
tion shall be punished by a fine not to exceed two
hundred dollars, or by imprisonment not to exceed