TUESDAY, January 11th, 1876.
The House met, and was opened with prayer by the Rev.
Mr. Steele.
Present at the call of the roll, the following members:
Messrs. Smith, (Speaker,) Dunbar, Mattingly, Boyer,
Usilton, Hodges, Robinson, Rullman, Turner, Bird, Lancas-
ter, Hawkins, Hooper, Baldwin, Whitelock, Curtis, Smith,
of Balto, co., Given, Fitzjarrell, Dodson, Lankford, Gunby,
Ford, Lambdin, Smith, of Dor,, Waters, of Dor., Briscoe,
Constable, Ward, Snowden, Hance, Gwynn, Cockey, Neal,
Purnell, Onley, Riggs, Hinks, Naill, Linthicum, Koons,
Rutkdge, Boyle, Vandiver, Culbreth, Goldsborough, Rusk,
Berkemeier, Lewis, McWilliams, Hoblitzell, McGlone,
Coburn, Stewart, McAleese, Gill, Hart, Loane, Chaisty,
Hess, Harig, Albaugh, Sanders, Fenton, Scott, Farrow,
Ranger, Jones, Canby, Griffith, Rawlings, Atkinson, Sprigg,
Brooke, Brown, Rinehart, Lamotte, Waters, of Car'l.,
Donaldson, Clark, Dashiell, Gordy, Browning, Barnard—83
Mr. Naill, (the rules being suspended,) submitted the fol-
lowing order.
Ordered, That it be entered upon the Journal of this House
that Mr. Linthicum is detained from his seat by sickness.
Which was adopted.
Mr. Neal, Chairman of the Committee on the part of the
House, to wait upon His Excellency, the Governor, to in-
form him that the General Assembly was now in session,
and ready to receive such communication as His Excellency
might desire to make,
Reported that the Committee had discharged the duty
assigned them, and that the Governor informed them that he
would forthwith communicate by message with the House,
The Hon. Richard C. Holliday, Secretary of State, ap-
peared ai.d delivered the following message from his Excel-
lency, James Black Groome, Governor :
[See Document A.]
Which was read.
Mr. Waters, of Carroll, (the rules being suspended,) sub-
mitted the following order:
Ordered, That a Committee of five be appointed by the
Speaker, to whom shall be referred the Message of the Gov-