WHEREAS, Grievous complaints are constantly made by the
gas consumers of Baltimore City against the extortions and
exactions of the various Gas Light Companies of said city, its
extravagant charges for the gas furnished and the interior
quality ; And whereas, it is charged that said corporation
have exceeded their franchise or violated their duty in the
mode of the exercise of their several franchise ; And whereas
the House of Delegates under Section 24, of Article 3, of the
Constitution, are empowered to enquire into all complaints,
grievances and offences as the Grand Inquest of the State.
Ordered, That a Select Committee of three be authorized
to investigate the complaints and grievances of the gas con-
sumers of the various incorporated Gas Companies of Balti-
more City, with power to send for persons, books and papers,
to examine witnesses on oath, and said committee are hereby
directed to report to this House within a reasonable time the
result, of their investigations, and recommend such legisla-
tion as will correct the evils and abuses, if any practiced, by
said companies or either of them, and further, that they be
directed to report the amount of the capital stock of said
corporations, the amount.of reserved fund held by them, the
cost of producing gas and how far the dividends declared are
the true profits of said companies.
Which was adopted.
On motion of Mr. McWilliams,
At 3 o'clock, P. M., the House adjourned.
WEDNESDAY, February 2nd, 1876.
. The House met, and was opened with prayer by the Rev.
Mr. Steele.
Present at the call of the roll, the following members:
Messrs. Smith, (Speaker.) Dunbar, Mattingly, Boyer,
Usilton, Hodges, Robinson, Rullman, Turner, Bird, Lancas-
ter, Hawkins, Hooper, Baldwin, Whitelock, Curtis, Smith, of
Balto, co., Given, Fitzjarrell, Dodson, Lankford, Gunby,
Ford, Lambdin, Smith, of Dor., Waters, of Dor., Briscoe,
Constable, Ward, Snowden, Gwynn, Cockey, Purnell, Riggs,
Hinks, Naill, Linthicum, Rutledge, Boyle, Vandiver, Cul-
breth, Goldsborough, Rusk, Berkemeier, Lewis, McWilliams,