Senate bill to authorize County Commissioners
of, to refund certain indebtedness, 495, 647, 713.
Bill to add Sections to Article 21, sub-title
Roads," 518.
Bill to add Sections to Article 21, sub-title
"County Commissioners," 520, 805, 875.
Bill to repeal chapter 423, of Act of 18T4, sub-
title "Roads," 520, 637, 876.
Bill to add Sections to Article 21, relating to
horses and carriages in, 520, 569, 640.
Bill to repeal Section 50, chapter 333, of Acts
of 1846, relating to turnpike road in, 520.
Bill to sanction bequest of Christian Shelter,.
late of, 520, 645, 686,
Senate bill to empower Clerk of County Com-
missioners of, to administer oaths, 666, 702, 778.
Bill to repeal chapter 377 of 1872, entitled
"Public Education," as relates to, 819.
Senate bill to authorize an additional Justice
of Peace in, 889, 937, 1121.
Bill to authorize Register of Wills to transcribe
certain records, 1059, 1131, 1409.
entitled a supplement to Acts incorporating, 220;
second, 261, 305, 496, 499, 845.
WEIGHERS—Order relating to, 43.
Bill to appropriate $7000 to purchase lot and
scales for hay, straw and live stock, 338, 543, 731,
Bill to repeal Section 6, chapter 244, of 1872,
relating to, of grain, 866, 995, 1477.
WICOMICO COUNTY—Senate bill to regulate the building
of mill-dams on streams where the public road
crosses such streams, 137; second, 198, 577.
Bill to authorize County Commissioners of, to
levy a sum of money for support of Wm. B. Gordy,
167; second, 186; passed, 201, 528.
Bill directing Librarian to furnish to Court of,
decisions of Court of Appeals, 278, 563, 661, 844.
Senate bill to define the harbor of Salisbury in,.
496, 606, 742.