GRIFFITH, PHILEMON—Petition of the children of, for
an Act releasing to them the State's interest in
certain legacies, 38.
Bill for the relief of the above, 132; second,
169; passed, 190.
HAGERSTOWN—Bill to add Section to Article 21 of Code
of Public Local Laws relating to, 428, 645.
Bill to authorize Mayor and City Council of, to
license vehicles in, 807.
HALL—The, of the House to Sons of Temperance, 75.
HARFORD COUNTY—Petition of Garrett Amos and other
citizens of, for removal of eastern hay scales, 89.
Bill to repeal Article 31, of Code, entitled
"Crows," relating to, and Montgomery counties,
113; second, 151; passed, 169, 245.
Bill to authorize Town Commissioners of Bel
Air to receipt for moneys, 229; second, 243, 742.
Bill to authorize County Commissioners of, to
divide election districts in, 288, 306, 541, 920.
Bill to amend Section 135, of Article 12, of
Code of Public Local Laws, title "Harford
County," 305, 562, 877, 1054.
bill to add Sections to Article 12, of Public
Local Laws, sub-titled "Fish," 428, 605, 638,
Bill to protect travellers in, 518, 661, 736.
Bill to authorize Register of Wills of, to con-
tinue index, 519, 746, 877.
Bill to repeal certain Sections of chapter 377,
of 1872, title "Public Education," so far as same
relates to, 607, 808.
Bill to repeal chapter 439, of 1874, go far as
same relates to, 802, 870, 904, 1214.
Senate bill to repeal Setion 1, chapter 439, of
1874, relating to sale of liquor in, 902.