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Proceedings of the House, 1876
Volume 413, Page 1648   View pdf image (33K)
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CAROLINE COUNTY—Petition of L J. Lannan and Chas.
W. Gibson and others of, asking the repeal of
Sections 82, 83, 84 and 85, of Article. 6, Public
Local Laws for, sub-title "tenets," 50; bill for
same, 691, 720.
Leave to introduce a bill to regulate the print-
ing in, 107.
Bill to protect partridges and prevent trepass-
ing in, 380, 646, 717.
Senate bill to authorize State's Attorney of, to
stet certain cases, 557, 647, 799.
Bill to repeal Section 9, Article 28, relating to
publication of county expenses in, 659, 691, 719.
Bill to repeal chapter 453, of 1874, relating to
sale of liquors in, 671, 871.
Senate bill to enable voters of, to determine as to
sale of liquors in, 889, 949, 1043.
Bill to allow Joshua Horner, Sr., to marry his
stepdaughter, 728.
Bill to repeal chapter 163, of 1866, relating to
Methodist Episcopal Church in Federalsburg, in,
890, 959, 1370.
Bill to repeal certain Sections of Article 6, sub-
title "Fences," 935, 1144.
Bill to refund taxes on liquor license to citizens
of, 991, 1371, 1436.
CECIL COUNTY—Memorial of A, G. Tuite and 300 other
citizens of, for repeal of chapter 439, Acts of 1874,
relating to licenses, 121.
Bill to regulate pay of State's Attorney of, .131;
second, 155; passed, 189.
Memorial of William Fears and 150 others of,
for an Act allowing the taking of fish in the waters
of Elk and Bohemia rivers in, 141.
Bill to repeal and re-enact with amendments,
Sections 1 and 3, of chapter 35, of Acts of 1864,
to incorporate the M. E. Church in Port Deposit,
in, 221; second, 243, 538, 901.
Bill to regutate setting of nets in Elk and other
rivers in, 305, 562, 634.
Bill to repeal Act of January Session, 1874.chap-
ter 439, relating to gale of liquors in, 306, 590.
Bill to repeal Sections relating to Chesapeake
City in, 522, 533, 687.

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Proceedings of the House, 1876
Volume 413, Page 1648   View pdf image (33K)   << PREVIOUS  NEXT >>

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