Bill to repeal an Act passed at Session, 1870,
chapter 148, relating to German Fire Insurance
Company of, 240; second, 241, 296.
Bill to repeal Sections 2 and 9, of January Ses-
sion, 1872, relating to druggists, 275, 542, 573,
Bill to repeal Section 25 of Article 4, of Public
Local Laws of, title "City of Baltimore," 304,
Bill to repeal Sections 459, 404 and 469, of Ar-
ticle 4, of Code Public Laws, sub-title "Live
Stock," 338, 572, 603, 1250.
Bill to require Attorney General to proceed
against Gaslight Co. of, 349, 595, 960.
Bill to authorize the Attorney General to pro-
ceed against the Peoples' Gas Company of, 349,
562, 596, 960.
Senate bill to regulate sale of fire-wood in, 410,
Bill to establish a Fish and Produce Exchange
in, 437, 1514, 1537.
Bill to repeal Sections 1 and 2, of chapter 401
of 1874, sub-title "Court," 608, 645, 693.
Bill relating to Baltimore Water Stock in, 647,
803, 1046.
Senate bill to provide for cleaning out harbor
and basin of, 651, 771, 1048.
Senate bill to repeal Section 7 of Act, relating
to Superior Court of, 667, 937.
Senate bill to repeal Act of 1870, relating to
term of office of Mayor of, 701.
Senate bill to authorize Mayor and City Council
of, to provide for inspection of oil, 701, 817, 995.
Senate bill to repeal Sections relating to, sub-
title "Elections," 701, 1353.
Bill to repeal Section 786 of Article 4, sub-
title "Orphans' Court," 745, 876, 946,1207.
Bill to repeal Sections relating to inspection of
Gas and meters in, 769, 803.
Bill to provide for defense of certain persons,
relating to recent elections in, 770, 993.
Bill to authorize Mayor and City Council of,
to issue bonds for improving Court House, 865,
910, 948.