Point RaSlroad Company, and to extend the time for the
completion of said railroad.
The bill entitled an Act to add an additional Section, to be
numbered 220, to Article 26, of the Code of Public General
Laws, entitled "Corporations," as re-enacted by an Act
passed at the January Session, 1868, chapter 471.
The bill entitled an Act to refund to Ross Winans, of Balti-
more city certain taxes paid in error.
The bill entitled an Act to refund taxes paid on liquor and
oyster house licenses to citizens of Dorchester and Caroline
counties, erroneously paid into the Treasury of the State.
The bill entitled an Act to authorize the County Commis-
sioners of Prince George's county, to abate the interest on
certain judgments in favor of the County Commissioners of
Prince George's county, against Richard J. Robinson and
their securities.
The bill entitled an Act to provide for the further protec-
tion of oyster interest in Queen Anne's county.
The bill entitled an Act to continue in force the Act of
1872, chapter 420, entitled an Act to revise, re-enact and
amend certain Sections of the Acts of 1852, to authorize the
appointment of a commissioner to take testimony to provide
for the recording of copies of writs and other papers of which
the originals were lost by the burning of the Court House in
Dorchester county, and to remedy, as far as practical, the
evils likely to ensue from the destruction of the records of
said county.
The bill entitled an Act authorizing and directing the
administrator of James Staker, late of Howard county,
deceased, to pay over the surplus of the estate of the said
deceased, to the Board of County, School Commissioners of
Howard county, unless legal representatives shall appear.
The bill entitled an Act in relation to mendicant and vag-
rant children.
The bill entitled an Act to incorporate a Company for the
establishment of a Public Cemetery, at Elkton, Mary-