On motion of Mr. Brooke,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Library to in-
troduce a bill entitled an Act authorizing and directing the
State Librarian to furnish from the State Library, for the us
of the Orphans' Court for Allegany county, a full set of the
Maryland Code, and other books
On motion of Mr. Lankford,
Leave wag granted to the Somerset delegation to report a
bill to appropriate a sum of money to aid the High School,
established by Crisfield District, in Somerset county.
On motion of Mr. Koons,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Education to intro-
duce a bill so amending the Code of Public General Laws, aa
to provide for the election of School Commissioners by the
people in the several counties of this State.
On motion of Mr. Loane,
Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judiciary to
introduce a bill providing for commuting the time of such
prisoners as make a good record while in the Maryland
On motion of Mr. Goldsborough,
Leave was granted to a Select Committee to introduce a
bill to repeal chapter 150, of the Public General Laws of
1874, relating to the establishing a Commission of Fisheries,
and to re-enact the same with amendments.
On motion of Mr. Mattingly,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Claims to intro-
duce a bill to refund to Henry Jones, of St. Mary's county,
$642.80, paid by him as surety on the bond of Bennett H.
Smith, late Tax Collector of said county.
On motion of Mr. Browning,
Leave was granted to the Committee on Education to in-
troduce a bill making appropriation for the payment of the
board of free scholars from Garrett county, in St. John's
On motion of Mr. Hooper,
Leave was granted to the Baltimore County delegation to
introduce a bill to repeal Sections 125,126, 127, 128, 129
and 130, of Article 3 of Public Local Laws of Baltimore
county, titled "Justice of the Peace and Constables" and to
re-enact the following in lien thereof.