of Maryland of 1936, relating to the vacation and compensa-
tion of members of the Police Force of the City of Cumber-
SECTION 1. Be it enacted 'by the General Assembly of Mary-
land., That Section 38 of Article 1A of the Code of Public Local
Laws of Maryland (1930 Edition), title "Cumberland",
sub-title "Police and Fire", as said section was amended by
Chapter 88 of the Acts of the Extraordinary Session of the
General Assembly of Maryland of 1936, be and it is hereby
repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to read as follows:
38. The Police and Fire Commissioner, with the sanction of
the Mayor and City Council, shall have power to organize the
Fire Department of the City of Cumberland on the basis of a
two-platoon system, with the hours of duty of each of said
platoons to be prescribed by the Mayor and City Council, who
shall have the power to prescribe the rules and regulations for
the shifting of said platoons.
The Police and Fire Commissioner shall organize the Police
Department of said City on the basis of a three-platoon system,
with the hours of each of said platoons to be prescribed by the
Mayor and City Council, and said Mayor and City Council
shall have the power to prescribe such rules and regulations
for the shifting of said platoons as it may deem necessary;
and the assignment of members of the Police Department to
the various Platoons or shifts shall be based upon the seniority
of the members, the said members of the Police Department
shall have the right to select or designate the particular
Platoon or Shift they are entitled to in accordance with their
length of service in the Department, provided, however, that
the said Police and Fire Commissioner shall have the power to
call the members of the police department for longer hours in
cases of emergency or unusual conditions or circumstances;
provided further, that each member of the Police Force shall
be granted an annual vacation or leave of absence of fifteen
days with pay after one year of service, and said vacation or
leave of absence may be taken with the approval of the Chief
of Police in such manner and at such time as the members
may desire, providing, that vacation periods or leave of ab-
sence is granted in accordance with the seniority of the mem-
bers as the members may prefer, and the compensation of
every patrolman or probationary patrolman after one year of
service shall be not less than one hundred and thirty-five
dollars ($135. 00) per month.
SEC. 2. And 6e it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect June 1, 1937.
Approved March 11, 1937.