(2) The procedure in issuing such licenses shall be pre-
scribed by rule or regulation of the Board of License Commis-
sioners and shall conform as near as practicable to the pro-
cedure prescribed in Section 52 of this Article. No such license
shall be authorized to be issued by the Board of License Com-
missioners unless the said license is in the judgment of the said
Board reasonably necessary for the convenience of the public.
(3) The Board of License Commissioners shall not authorize
the issuance of a Class B beer, wine and liquor license for any
establishment where patrons are entertained as above set forth
unless the Board shall find that the said establishment is a
restaurant as same is defined in this Article.
(4) Licenses issued under the authority of this sub-section
shall be subject to all the provisions of this Article relating to
licenses in Baltimore City to the extent that said provisions are
not inconsistent with this sub-section.
(5) All such licenses shall be issued by the Clerk of the
Court of Common Pleas upon certification by the Board of
License Commissioners of Baltimore City.
(6) The annual fee for such licenses shall be five hundred
dollars ($500.00) which shall be in addition to regular annual
fee paid for Class D beer, wine and liquor licenses.
Frederick County, (1) no license for the sale of alcoholic
beverages authorized by this Article shall be issued for any
place of business located in any of the following election dis-
tricts of said county: Catoctin (6th), Hauvers (10th), Jack-
son (16th), Linganore (19th), Tuscarora (21st), and Ballenger
(2) A, B and C licenses for the sale of beer only,
as authorized by this Article, shall be issued for places of
business located in any of the following election districts of
said county: Middletown (3rd), Jefferson (14th), Johnsville
(17th), and Burkittsville (22nd).
(3) A, B and C licenses for the sale of beer and light wine
and A and C licenses for the sale of beer, wine and liquor,
as authorized by this Article, shall be issued for places of busi-
ness located in any of the following election districts of said
county: Buckeystown (1st), Frederick (2nd), Creagerstown
(4th), Emmitsburg (5th), Urbana (7th), Liberty (8th), New
Market (9th), Woodsboro (11th), Petersville (12th), Mt.
Pleasant (13th), Thurmont (15th), Woodville (18th), Lewis-
town (20th), Braddock (24th), Brunswick (25th), and Wal-
kersville (26th).