of Governor Herbert R. O'Conor 719
thousands now engaged in less essential work will have to be switched to essen-
tial industries. It will mean, too, that hundreds of thousands of women, many
of whom have never been inside a factory or plant, must come forward and
patriotically take their place on this vital production line.
The third phase of America's all-out effort, the protection of our homeland
against possible attack or emergencyf is one that most, if not all of you, under-
stand pretty thoroughly. Harford County and Aberdeen are well represented
among the 165, 000 volunteers who are listed under the Banner of Civilian De-
fense here in Maryland. These volunteers have been given training in such
important activities as air raid wardens, air raid spotters, auxiliary firemen
and police, fire watchers, madical and first aid personnel, etc. Every resident
of the county who has volunteered for this work and who has given the neces-
sary time to training deserves the fullest praise of all our people.
Thanks, too, are due the 15, 000 patriotic men of this County and the State
who constitute the Maryland State Guard and Maryland Minute Men. It is
pleasing to note that Federal recognition has been won by the State Guard, as
being in the forefront of State Units for efficiency, discipline and equipment.
The Minute Men, banded together for the defense of their own communities,
likewise have won the most sincere praise possible—their set-up is being copied,
in some cases even to such details as uniforms, by various other states of the
Nation. And let me say right here, the Maryland Units are ones of which any
state might well be proud.
We may never have a hostile attack or a dire emergency created by the war.
God grant that we may not! Because we have not had such a vista tion up to
now is no indication that we won't have one tomorrow. Experience has shown
that the Nation, the State and the community prepared to absorb such a shock,
is the one that suffers least and rallies quickest. For two years, efforts have
been directed towards insuring the preparedness of our State for anything that
might happen. I believe we are prepared!
While expecting a long war and realizing the full extent of United Nations
setbacks of recent weeks, it is possible, however, to take some satisfaction in
developments that have indicated the growing strength of America's might, and
the increasing force with which America is being prepared to strike.
From Europe now comes the news that American-made bombers, flown by
American pilots, are participating in raids upon German-held countries and
upon the centers of the German war industries. Following the accomplishments
of American land and sea planes in the recent Coral Sea and Midway victories,
and the severe damage wrought upon battleships of the Italian Fleet by Amer-
ican long-range bombers, it is safe to predict, and it is cheering to contemplate,
vastly increased participation by American flying forces in the fighting on
Europe's second front, now being conducted through the air.
Those whose duty it is to check on German broadcasts know full well the
tremendous damage that is being inflicted upon Germany by the large scale
bombings conducted from hundreds of flying fields throughout Great Britain.
Some of Germany's Great war plants, several of their key war ports, have been