of Governor Herbert R. O'Conor 667
"Impress upon the people of Washington County, " he said, "that this is
possibly the most serious situation America has ever faced. We are fighting
nations who have been directing all their energies for the past ten years to-
wards overwhelming us and all the world. Don't let our people under-estimate
these foes, " he entreated. And he further added, "We must take it for granted
that both Germany and Japan will retaliate for recent bombings by bombing
us if it is at all within their power. "
The hundreds of Trainer Planes that have been produced here by people of
Hagerstown and surrounding territory, have been the means of training thou-
sands of pilots for service in Australia, in China, and on the other battle-fronts.
Now, I understand, other types of planes for the Military are being produced.
Certainly in this war, where mechanized equipment and particularly the air-
plane, play so decisive a part, the men and women who contribute their full
efforts to producing planes or any of the thousand-and-one other war essentials,
can honestly say that they are truly fighting shoulder to shoulder with their
brothers and sons and neighbors who have gone into the Armed Forces of our
Because so much emphasis has been laid upon industrial production, does
not imply that any lesser importance is attached to the accomplishments of our
farm people. Food is as essential to sucess in this war as planes or arma-
ments of any kind. It is just as vital for our Washington County farm people
to devote themselves energetically to the task of increasing food production, as
it is for others to build planes or participate in any Defense activity.
More so than ever, in this war that is being fought on fronts so far from
home, must there be tons and tons of foods of every kind for shipment to our
fighting forces, and to our Allies. America is depending upon the farmers of
our State, as well as upon our industrial workers, to do their utmost for ulti-
mate Victory.
If there are in Washington County any who saw today's Parade or who
now are listening, who have not made their rightful contribution to the war
effort in one way or another, for their own future peace of mind, as well as for
the continued safety of all of us, I urge them to come farward and do their
part. No matter what one's capacity, everyone can be of help. Not all can be
in the fighting forces; but all can be numbered among the Civilian Defense
Units, among the producers of vital war materials, or among the purchasers of
war bonds and stamps.
Truly, this is a gigantic enterprise upon which we are launched. It is the
most significant of all the mighty undertakings, with which America ever has
been faced, Before, the question to be settled in any of our wars, has been
Military. Today's war, however, is different from any that has ever proceded in
that, fundamentally, it is a conflict between two systems of life rather than
between countries. Today's war, in essence, is an all-out attack upon De-
mocracy; an attempt to wipe it from the face of the earth. Those who would
do this, led1 by the fanatic, Hitler, have built up the most stupendous Military
machine in the world's history to spread the doctrine that it is only the State
that is important today.