336 State Papers and Addresses
In compliance with the recommendation of the Commission appointed by
me to study the matter of Chronic Disease Hospitals, I am recommending in
the Bond Issue $1, 500, 000. 00 for the construction of two institutions: one on the
Eastern Shore and one on the Western Shore. I also recommend that out of
this sum Baltimore City be given aid in the extension of its City Hospitals plant
in order to provide additional accomodations.
I have carefully reviewed the budget of the Conservation Department and
have allowed practically the amount of the request. The increase over the
current budget is $5, 720. 00, of which $4, 869. 00 is for the Biological Laboratory
at Solomon's Island, and for other work which will assist the Department in
determining scientific methods of seafood cultivation.
This, of course, is one of the activities which will be reviewed by the Com-
mission on Natural Resources which I have appointed recently, and it may be
that further consideration of this budget will be necessary after the Commission
has completed its report.
The appropriation to the State Department of Public Welfare for 1941 is
$4, 915, 920. 00. In accordance with the provisions of the budget law, and basing
its action upon expenditures for the fiscal year 1940, the Board of Public Works
witheld the sum of $416, 000. 00 out of the 1941 budget. The appropriation to
the Department of Public Welfare, therefore, for the fiscal year 1941 is $4, 499, -
920. 00.
The amount of $11, 800. 00 has been transferred to the account of the Board
of Public Works for the payment of the rental of the offices of the Depart-
ment in Baltimore City. Therefore, a net amount of $4, 488, 120. 00 is available
to the Department for State and local administration and for distribution to
eligible persons in the various categories in compliance with the 1942-1943
I feel that the Department should be able to function adequately upon the
basis of the 1940 expenditures, with the following increases:
Administration of Child Welfare Services in Balti-
more City.................................................................... $26, 618. 00
Control of cases hospitalized in the Counties of
Maryland and charged to State account.............. 7, 776. 00
Child-caring institutions, to be paid on a per capita
basis.................................................................................. 13, 000. 00
State office expenses..................................................... 1, 449. 00
Total................................................................ $48, 843. 00
This total, added to the net 1941 budget of $4, 488, 120. 00, is $4, 536, 963. 00,
which is the amount of the total budget for the years 1943 and 1943.
It is my belief that with greatly increased industrial activity, due in a large
measure to the National Defense Program, it should be possible for practically
all employable people to secure positions, and the Welfare load should be less
than it has been in the past. I am told that practically all cases on General