of Governor Herbert R. O'Conor 297
two years great advancement has been made in this department. The Commis-
sion has divided the State into six regional districts and named a Regional
Deputy Game Warden for each district.
The Department; has distributed more game from the State-owned game
propagation plants and more fresh water fish and game fish from the fish
hatcheries this past season than in any season heretofore. Some improvements
have been made at the propagation plants in the way of repairs and new
equipment but more work along this line is necessary as the capacity cannot
be increased without increasing equipment. During the last fiscal year 32, 784
pieces of game were distributed in the covers of the State, 124, 654 game fish
were planted in the streams and 615 wild turkeys distributed.
The program for the next two years will be to try to build up the propaga-
tion plants for game and fish and to keep covers as well supplied as possible.
This, of course, means an expanded program in the way of new buildings.
The Department has entered into an agreement with the United States
Soil Conservation Service and anticipates a very extensive program for the
next two years in cooperating with the landowners and farmers in conserving
soil, forests, and waters, and, if this can be done, beneficial results will be ac-
complished for wildlife.
In 1940 the Commission appointed an Advisory Council in each county of
the State composed of five landowners or residents on farms, five from out-
door groups such as the Farm Bureau, Farm Grange, etc., and two at large.
The Councils, therefore, are composed of twelve members who are cooperating
in soil, forests, and wildlife conservation programs. These Councils cooperate
in the distribution of game and advise properties on which same should be
planted which must have the necessary cover producing natural food for wild-
life. Sub-marginal lands are those lands which are not producing profitable
crops and can be taken out of agriculture and reforested and developed as a
forest area.
During the past year, 20, 835 pounds of seed have been planted on privately-
owned properties for the protection of soil, and with the understanding the
growth would be left for cover and food for wildlife during the winter. This
program will be greatly expanded in the next two years. These plantings are
beneficial not only for wildlife but for the conservation of soil and when the
soil is kept well covered with legumes, grasses, etc., silt is prevented from
entering our streams and the waters in those streams is purified.
There has been an agreement made with the State Forestry Department
of Maryland to establish on State forest areas nine inviolate wildlife sanctu-
aries, four in Worcester County and five in Garrett County.
There has also been effected a cooperative agreement with the United
States National Park Service relating to a program in connection with soil,
forest and wildlife restoration on the Catoctin Recreational Demonstration
During the last two years the Water Resources Commission has:
Published and distributed a "Report of Operations 1933 to 1938" and
"General Requirements and Regulations Relating to the Submission of Applica-
tions and Design of Dams and Other Waterway Obstructions. "