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Proceedings of the House, 1904
Volume 408, Page 63   View pdf image (33K)
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On motion of Mr. Harry,

Leave was granted to the Frederick delegation to
introduce a bill entitled "An Act to incorporate the
town of Myersville, Frederick county, Md."
On motion of Mr. Riggan,

Leave was granted to the Committee on Ways and
Means to introduce a bill entitled "An Act to appro-
priate a sum of money to pay Noah C. Sterling for the
loss of the vessel Martha E. Freeman."
On motion of Mr. Gibbs,

Leave was granted to the Committee on the Judici-
ary to introduce a bill entitled "An Act to declare the
sanction and consent of the General Assembly of
Maryland, to the convenance by Stephen Boyer of a
certain farm near Mossey in Kent county, Maryland,
described in said conveyance to and for the use of said
Vestry of North of Kent parish."
On motion of Mr. Linthicum,

Leave was granted to the Committee on Ways and
Means to introduce a bill entitled "An Act to appro-
priate the sum of sixty thousand dollars for the use
of the Commissioners appointed by the Governor
under the authority conferred upon him by the Act of
1902, to represent the State of Maryland at the St.
Louis Louisiana Purchase Exposition, to be held at
St. Louis, Missouri, in the year 1904."
On motion of Mr. Milbourne, it was

Ordered, That the State Librarian be and is hereby
directed to furnish to each delegate the usual amount
of stationery, to wit, twenty-five dollars ($25.00) and
direct the same amount to be allowed to the Chief
Clerk, Journal Clerk, Reading Clerk, Chief Engros-
sing Clerk and Sergeant-at-Arms, and that the Chief
Clerk hand this order to the State Librarian imme-

Which went over under the rules.


Mr. Bennett submitted the following resolution in
respect to the memory of the late John S. Saunders,
adjutant-geneial of the State of Maryland.


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Proceedings of the House, 1904
Volume 408, Page 63   View pdf image (33K)
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