House bill, File No. 11, entitled "An Act to authorize
and empower Joseph H. Bernard, Thomas H. Jarman,
Thomas E. Curry, Robert J. Raughley, Wm. J. MooVe,
Clinton B. Jarman, Theo. L. Jackson, Saml. J. Bel-
brough and Henry Dortheigh, Trustees of the Metho-
dist Episcopal Church, in Greensboro, Caroline county,
Maryland, or a majority of them, to sell said church
and apply the proceeds arising from said sale to the
building and completion of the New Methodist Epis-
copal Church now being built in said town of Greens-
boro, Maryland."
Which was read a first time, and referred to the
Committee on Judiciary.
House bill, File No. 49, entitled "An Act, to appro-
priate the sum of $2,112.99 out of the public school
funds to reimburse Garrett, county, for an instalment
of State school tax withheld from said county in the
year 1903, and also to authorize and direct the Comp-
troller to apportion to said county the instalment
known as the'March Instalment of the State School
Tax for the year 1904,' said instalment being the ap-
portionment made to said Garrett cotinty on the 15th
day of March, in each yerr.' "
Which was read a second time, and ordered to be
engrossed for a third reading.
On motion of Mr. Norris,
The House adjourned until 8 p. m., Monday Febru-
ary 8th, 1904.