"Sec. 11. That the compensation of each of said
judges and clerks shall be two dollars and the return
judges shall each have an additional three dollars for
the day upon which he makes his return to the Super-
visors of Election as above stated, and three dollars
for the day upon which he receives the registry books,
etc.; and the said Supervisors of Election shall in ad-
dition to the compensation they now receive, receive
the further sum of one hundred dollars each for the
year 1905, and a like sum thereafter for the extra
duties required of them under the provisions of this
"Sec. 12. The said Supervisors of Election shall cause
each polling place to be suitably provided with a suffi-
cient number of voting shelves or compartments at or
in which voters may conveniently mark their ballots
so that in marking thereof they may not be in sight,
but be screened from the observation of others, and a
guard vail shall be so constructed and placed as that
only such persons as are inside of said rail can ap-
proach within six feet of the ballot boxes, and of such
voting shelves or compartments; the number of such
voting shelves or compartments shall not be less than
one for every one hundred voters qualified to vote at
such polling place and not less than three in any dis-
trict or precinct voting place in said county; no person
other than the said election officers and voters admit
. ted as herein provided shall be permitted within said
rail except the sheriff or deputy sheriffs for the said
purpose of keeping order and enforcing the law and
so long only as may be necessary for this purpose; and
in the absence of any sheriff or deputy sheriff or con-
stable, the judges of election shall have power to ap-
point a special constable to preserve order who shall
have the same powers during the progress of said
primary election as a constable of said county regu-
larly appointed; not more than six voters in addition
to those then within the railing shall be admitted to
the room at one time, and each voter except the offi-
cers and representatives before mentioned shall be
required after voting to withdraw entirely from the
room. The judges of election may admit persons
from time to time to aid in determining the fact