Ordered by the House of Delegates, That in remem-
brance of His death and sufferings and in observation
of the day and the event it commemorates, this House
be not in session between the hours of three and six
o'clock and that when this House takes a recess today
it takes a recess until 7.30 o'clock tonight.
Which was read and adopted.
On motion of Mr. Bosse,
At 2.45 o'clock p. m.
The House took a recess until 7.30 o'clock p. m.
FRIDAY, April 1st, 1904.
The House met at 7 30 o'clock, p. m.
Present at, call of the roll the following members:
Messrs. Speaker, Buckler, Atwell, Downs, Bond,
Simmons, Smoot, Walbach, Benson, Cockey, Collins,
Dodson, Jackson, Milbourne, Miles, Riggan, Hopkins,
Wingate, Jones, Murphy of Dorchester, Keys, Kirk,
Fryer, Hill, Ray, Tighe, Wells, Walls, Butler, Wilson,
Carey, Kirbin, Crawford, Harrison, Hiteshew, An-
drew, Carroll, Hitchcock, McComas, Goslin, Willey,
Bosse, Lipman, Norris, Reed, Hall, Morrison, Murphy
of Baltimore city; Orem, Roth, Trager, Bouchet, Daw-
kins, Durham, Grant, Linthicum, Moore, Bald, God-
win, Henkel, Miller, Pairo, Charles, Mitchell, Ten-
nant, Amiss, Johnston, Lansdale, Williams, Feaga,
Stump, Jenkins, Fuss, Oursler, Gill, Pearre, Bennett,
Hearn, Messick, Harvey, Howard—81.